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How to remove the cockroach smell from cold clothes?

By hollisterclothingoutlet 12/03/2022 820 Views

The cockroach smell is coming and for that reason, we solve the mystery of how to remove the smell from those winter clothes and a way to prevent it.

By Alexander Rodriguez
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Monterrey.- The winter season has arrived and with that, the action from year to year: dust off, literally... or maybe not, cold clothes such as jackets and sweaters.

But this brings later at parties and workplaces an odor that in recent years has been known as "cockroach smell" and although it could be due to the presence of these insects, it also occurs due to the humidity accumulated in the closets or boxes where We store winter clothes.

Today we are going to tell you how to eliminate this smell in an easy and fast way.

One of the methods to remove the cockroach smell is:

How to prevent cockroach smell in the closet

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In your closet area:

Finally, what is cockroach smell? Does it really come from the insect?

That characteristic odor, according to a pest control site, originates when the cockroaches are made of a mixture of cuticular hydrocarbons that they secrete to prevent water loss.

Although they also excrete this serous substance to send messages to other cockroaches for mating purposes and to interact with each other. Some signals that they collect through their sensory organs, the antennae.

Sometimes this smell can also be a combination of moisture build up in the closet.

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