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Sex fluids: Can ingesting them harm you?|GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Largechevron

By hollisterclothingoutlet 11/10/2022 663 Views

Do you enter? Drinking your blood, sweat or sexual fluids will not give you super powers, but in almost all cases, it will not hurt you either.A sexologist gives us the keys.

By Alejandro Mancilla

Sex fluids: Around their intake between couples, there are many myths and taboos.From the hand of Dr. Claudia Contreras, a specialized therapist and sexologist, we reveal to you what makes you good, what makes you wrong and what is completely harmless.Hands (rather, mouth) to work.

The XXX cinema has inherited a series of customs that today we practice daily.One of them is to consume certain sexual and body fluids of our partner in turn, in order to make sex more exciting.“The practice is very personal, many people may like it, it can be pleasant but also all the opposite.Something bad should not be addressed as good, ”says the specialist.

The white kiss

There are studies all over the world - although not so conclusive, to tell the truth - that indicate that there are many advantages in eating semen.And this fluid has important food properties: amino acids, hormones, vitamin C, calcium and a strong nutrient load.But be careful: before you want to convince your partner to ingest them (or that you wanta multivitamin) otherwise, it would not apply as a supplement.That is, I would not contribute anything nutritionally speaking if it is done sporadically (neither for good nor for worse, it is as if a vitamin was taken from time to time).Its function is purely erotic and in addition, there is a latent risk of transmission of some sexual disease if the receiver has wounds in the mouth, of course, with the condition that the emitter is a carrier of some est (including HIV, although in a statistic very low).If your partner consumes semen, it can also cause stomach pain - in rare cases and in people sensitive to their properties - for the large number of active substances it contains.

The Squirt and the female ejaculation

According to the expert, you have to differentiate the Squirt from the so -called female ejaculation.To begin with, both have a different origin, the Squirt (so recurring and effective in modern XXX cinema) comes from the urethra hole and therefore does contain some urine waste, but mostly it is composed of neutral liquids (without smell or flavor) that do not cause even the same effect of semen, because they do not have such a strong load of substances and nutrients.The Squirt is basically liquid with a small urine percentage and is totally harmless, so you can ingest it without problem.On the other hand, female ejaculation comes from the bulb-urethral or Skene glands (they are at the dermis level, within the lower lips of the woman) and is a dense more liquid with similarities to semen, although its amount is minimal comparedWith male ejaculation.And no, don't worry, nothing happens to you if you eat it.

Fluidos sexuales: ¿ingerirlos te puede hacer daño? | GQ LargeChevron Menu Close Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest Facebook Twitter Pinterest Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube Pinterest LargeChevron

In 2019, a social networks publication attributed to the University of ST was viral.Austin that indicated that ingesting vaginal fluids made cancer immune to practitioners (among other properties, such as stronger bones and less acne).The news was fake.At the other extreme, years ago the actor Michael Douglas declared that the practice of oral sex made throat cancer be developed.Some time later, oncology proved him right: ingest.Douglas, HPV or human papillomavirus)."The intake is sure as long as people are healthy at the level of sexually transmitted diseases, or hepatitis c or b," says the specialist."HIV transmission the percentage is minimal, but we must alert and it is our obligation to transmit that it is possible and that there is a risk".

Golden rain should use umbrellas?

Another practices that involve the ingestion of body fluids is the so -called golden rain, which consists of exposure to the couple's urine.What can happen to you?In addition to your breath will not be very pleasant after practice, you will be exposed to bacteria, hepatitis B and cytomegalovirus or CMV (a virus that causes fever and inflammation).And no, besides that this practice is not therapeutic (not to confuse with urine therapy, which by the way, there is also no evidence that it serves as much) and its function is rather erotic.But you can be calm if you want to attend a tasting of these fluids, since authorities such as DR.Hunter Handsfield of the American Association of Sexual Health, it is impossible for golden rain to transmit infections because "urine is unable to significant bacteria and viruses"

And why do we like this practice?

"Everything is worth, everything fits in sexuality.The pleasure of ingesting fluids has to do with context, culture and moment.“Some men can resort to them for the feeling of power, but we cannot hunt us with that idea because it can be dangerous to assume that it is only for that.For many people it is an act of love, to fully receive ‘everything’ about your partner ”.it states.“What is not worth not is asking, there are people who never have in mind swallow their partner's fluid.When 100 times you have oral sex, you want the other person to take your fluids (or vice versa), it is when you have to check if it is a pathology, ”concludes.

Tears, sweat, blood?

Unless you are a vampire (or the singer of Lola lovers), drinking from his blood is nothing healthy.Blood has high levels of iron that is not easy to assimilate by the body (not to mention sexually transmitted diseases that can be transmitted with practice) and its ingestion can cause something called hemochromatosis, a renal syndrome that can cause serious damage and including death."Saliva, tears, sweat, are harmless if people are healthy," says expert Claudia Contreras."There are many other stigmatized sexual practices, but everyone must do what makes sense - always and when it does not affect third parties or against the will of the other person - and ignites their sexuality," the expert concludes.

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