On June 5, elections will be held in six states.The relevant is the change of governor.The dispute over the candidacies of the parties, in all entities, has been the preamble of what the electoral struggle will be.The parties seek to designate as their candidate for the best, although it is not always possible and they have to be inclined to the most convenient, which could surprise at the polls.This is the case of Roberto Palazuelos, actor and businessman who seeks to be governor of Quintana Roo.
For a few months Palazuelos expressed his ambition for power and reported through social networks and press statements that could be a candidate for the governorship of Quintana Roo for the Democratic Revolution Party, confirmed by its national leader Jesús Zambrano.
Negotiations with the PRD did not prosper and on January 21, Roberto Palazuelos was registered by Citizen Movement (MC) as a candidate for governor.
Palazuelos is known in the artistic environment as "the black diamond".His public fame originates in his career as an actor at the Televisa company.He is originally from Acapulco and emigrated to Cancun where he made his fortune.He considers that "Quintana Roo is a gold mine, so he has achieved, at least twelve companies that feed his fortune, which ranges from $ 12 million, according to the celebrity site Net Worth".He works in the hotel industry and in the promotion of some clothing brands.(Hoydinero, January 17, 2022).
A few months ago Palazuelos associated with former president Vicente Fox.In social networks he commented: “I associated with former President Fox.I bought your company's share capital.Right now the marijuana is nothing more medicinal and we have several products.We are going to start creating the oxxes of the marijuana, we are going to sell all the products, but you will also be able to pay the bank, the light, your phone and once between the recreational, we will start selling marijuana."
Days before the candidacy of Roberto Palazuelos, the journalist Lydia Cacho, in social networks, recalled an investigation in which Palazuelos is exhibited by his alleged links with a network of money laundering, dispossession and disappearances in Tulum." Advirtió que el PRD tenía “evidencia de la participación de Palazuelos en los despojos a ejidatarios en Tulum."
Of course Palazuelos denied the accusations of Lydia Cacho and announced that he would undertake legal actions against the journalist.
Lo interesante de este caso es observar la tendencia de los partidos de postular como candidato, después de que no pudieron convencer al “mejor", al más “conveniente" y que éste resulte ser alguien con algún tipo de fama pública, lograda por su alta presencia en los medios de comunicación.
Este contenido no está disponible debido a tus preferencias de privacidad.Actualiza tu configuración aquí para verlo.El más “conveniente" no es aquel que presenta altas calificaciones académicas, culturales o científicas, sino el que ya tiene una “imagen" construida en los medios, no significa que tenga experiencia para la toma de decisiones que involucran la mejor o peor calidad de vida de los votantes, “deslumbrados" por el rostro conocido de un actor, deportista o conductor de noticiarios, no apto para gobernar.
The quality of the candidates does not concern the parties, in practice the elected character does not govern, but the militants imposed from the party.Current example of this circumstance is the performance of footballer Cuauhtémoc Blanco who, as governor of the state of Morelos, has not shone as he did when he kicked the ball.
These days, it is involved in a scandal that involves it with organized crime, after photos were published in various media in which it appears with renowned criminals of Morelos.The conflict climbed when Blanco responsible for the publication of the photos to his predecessor and said it was a political revenge to discredit his government.
Another case of candidacy guided by public fame is that of Senator Lilly Tellez, by journalist profession and news driver on TV Azteca.Postulate the Senate by Morena, in the first months of legislative activity, he decided.As a Neomilitator of the PAN has dedicated its energy to frequently criticize the actions and initiatives of the president, as well as Morena's proposals in the Senate.
The applications of the characters of characters with public fame in the media, would mean that they consider the policy a booty that must be conquered and conserved at the price that is.The electoral process is converted into a show.They do not take it seriously and the really important thing for them is to access power and from there to the discretionary management of the financial means and the possibility of enriching themselves without having to account for anyone.So it was before and so it is now.Politicians and actors are the same.Simulation experts and voters used who, naive or negligently end up voting for them so as not to do so for the usual politicians.They criticize and make fun of their aspirations and in the end it is like a bullet on the foot.And that Roberto Palazuelos knows very well.We'll see if in the end it is not he who ends up laughing.And ruling.