Feminine fashion

"Women do not dress for men" Mónica Rincón stopped dry twitter Mónica Rincón gives her support to Fernanda Jure

By hollisterclothingoutlet 15/10/2022 657 Views

This Monday there was a fairly unpleasant situation on social networks after the journalist of Chilevisión, Fernanda Jure, published a photograph in bikini on Twitter and a user of the application commented it.

“When you are of legal age and you still fail to affirm your self -esteem.Search for approval is called ”, was the folly Tweet of Felipe, who minutes later eliminated his social network.

Users soon demonstrated before the comment and one of those who raised his voice for Fernanda, was also the journalist of the channel, Mónica Rincón, who in the same social network said that:

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"When you are a man and you feel the right to tell a woman what to do with her body.The body is from @Fefijure sure the bikini too.(Search for attention is called the one who accuses another person of seeking approval), "said the communicator.

But the situation was not alone on Twitter, but also the news driver made a powerful reflection on Instagram where he presented the following:

“Las mujeres no se visten para los hombres” Mónica Rincón paró en seco a twittero machista Mónica Rincón le entrega su apoyo a Fernanda Jure

"‘ Women do not dress for men ’(before criticizing read until the end).In order not to leave without clothes to the street, to feel good, because we like those clothes we choose, because we want to get attention, because we do not want to call her, to feel attractive to a man or for a woman, "he left manifesting in his message.

"Basically, we can dress as we want and for the reasons we can think of.Because it is one of many more acts that do not have to be conditioned by stereotypes, "the news driver continued.

"Neither the length of the mini, nor the centimeters of the tacos say anything about our capacity or intelligence.The end.PS: All this following a tweeter who felt with the right to criticize @Fefijure because she uploaded a photo with bikini, "said the journalist.

Obviously, the publication was filled with positive comments and thanks by hundreds of women who were represented by the situation.

In addition, Fernanda Jure also thanked Monica Rincón through her Instagram:

Minutes later, the young woman said on Twitter where she left the following message: "I am not enough for me to thank each of you for their beautiful comments.I am glad to know that we are a majority and that incorrect behaviors are less and less normalized, "he said.

Then, he added that: "I am worried that there are still people like this: disrespectful, offensive and retrograde.Fortunately I have the tool: self -love.But what about someone who is really working their self -esteem?My call is not to increase violence ".

"Not even against the person who criticized me, but to strengthen those who still need that little push to love each other and to never allow a person X to get where he does not correspond to him.Let's be brave and advance.A gigantic hug to all, "he concluded.

It is unfortunate what the journalist had to happen, however, it served to make once again the unpleasant situations to which women are exposed day by day due to the fact that there are still men who believe they have authority over them.

Remember that all the details are found in @duples.Cl.

Mónica Rincónfernanda jure Twitter Chilevision

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