Baby clothes

"He offered me diapers, market and clothing": Indigenous Embera reported how they cheated her to steal her baby

By hollisterclothingoutlet 08/06/2022 714 Views

Bertilda, a young 18 -year -old mother from the Embera community, this Thursday was the one who lit the alarms, after pointing out that a couple had cheated her and had taken her 2 -month -old baby in a taxi, so the entire communityand authorities interceded to avoid the theft of the child.

Leandra Becerra, lawyer of the Embera community, expressed her rejection for the fact and related the details of the event to RCN Radio:

This fact occurred at the 2 p.m.When this woman, dressed as a nurse, cited the child's mother to give her medicines and clothes, she there in a maneuver she took the little girl and got on a vehicle and escaped from her.During this theft, the mother of the little girl did not react in time since she was surprised by the unforeseen attack, she was another woman, also in a state of gestation, who went through the vehicle to avoid the flight but the driver maneuvered and tookthe baby.

Luego de recuperar a su bebé, y de sostenerla fuertemente entre sus brazos, Bertilda habló de los hechos en diálogo con Noticentro1 CM&, y contó que su pequeña Keyla por poco lograr se arrancada de su familia, pero gracias a la colaboración de la ciudadanía este intento se frustró.

“Me ofreció pañales, mercado y ropa”: indígena embera relató cómo la engañaron para robarle su bebé

As told by the indigenous, the woman who cheated her, arrived in the park and distracted her offering her food and implements.

La angustia e impotencia de ella se dio cuando, en un inesperado momento, esta mujer le arrebató de sus brazos la bebé y salió corriendo hacía un carro. En medio de la adrenalina del momento, una compañera de ella salió a correr y detuvo un taxi para que persiguiera a los secuestradores.

This event is not the only one to which the Embera community has been exposed, because apparently these people live around the community in order to steal their children.

“Con este caso ya son dos menores los que se han intentado llevar”, aseguró la embera al noticiero.

According to some leaders of this community, the offender who tried to take the child had already come several times to offer aid and gave some elements of cleaning to women, which allowed him to gain his trust.

On the other hand, the Metropolitan Police said that these two captured people were in the hands of the Prosecutor's Office to continue with the judicialization process.

“Nuestro grupo Gaula acompaña la investigación para establecer los móviles de este hecho para ver si se trata de un rapto para comercialización o algún fin económico o si sencillamente se trata de algún tema psicológico de la mujer”, declaró el comandante de la Policía de Bogotá, brigadier general, Eliécer Camacho.


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