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This is the new primary schedule designed by the Government: they gain weight natural and social sciences, art and mathematics

By hollisterclothingoutlet 06/09/2022 567 Views

The Government has designed a new school schedule for primary school in which the areas of artistic education, knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment, in decreasing order, gain weight, in decreasing order.Spanish language and literature also grows, but in a proportion that is only symbolic.

The document, to which the country has had access, has been sent this Thursday to the Autonomous Communities to review with the final version of the Decree Draft that will regulate this educational stage, attended by children from six to 12 years.From the text, as has happened with the regulation of children, some words have been replaced and some paragraphs that had generated criticism between the parties and the conservative sectors of the educational community have been reformulated.But the essence is maintained and the teaching of mathematics will continue to have a “gender perspective” to try to reduce the greatest rejection that, on average, girls show towards matter compared to their classmates, although their academic results do notBe worse.

The explanation of the schedule is complex because the only possible comparison is not with the schedule that exists now, which is derived from the previous educational law, the LOMCE, approved by the PP in 2013, but with the previous one, the loe, which came outforward in 2006 by another socialist government.The PP did not approve a complete schedule.He maintained the regulation of the PSOE but, at the same time, allowed the autonomies to set the schedules of the so -called specific subjects (a new category that opposed the trunks).This caused some autonomies, such as Aragon, to reduce for example the religion schedule (which was included by the LOMCE as a specific subject) to a single session of 45 minutes a week.

The Socialists, on the other hand, did set the minimum schedule of all primary schools in the development of the LOE..But the comparison with the LOE cannot be done automatically, because then the government had to set 55% of the schedule in autonomies with co -official language and 65% in the territories that do not have it.And now the Ministry of Education will establish less, 50% and 60% respectively, because in the new law the Ministry resigned to set 5% of the schedule with the idea that educational centers can also define a small part of the schedule toThe view of the reality of your students.

Made these cautions, if the last full schedule that the government set in the development of the LOE with which the ministry now proposes, the result is the following: artistic education earns 60 hours in the elementary school (10 am percourse) regarding what I would have if applied to the LOE schedule the general reduction experienced by all subjects for the fact that the government now sets 5% less time.That is, instead of the 300 hours that would correspond to it if the Ministry had limited to transfer the percentages of the LOE (in which it was 315) to the Lomloe, will have 360.

Así es el nuevo horario en primaria diseñado por el Gobierno: ganan peso ciencias naturales y sociales, arte y matemáticas

Applying the same operations, knowledge of the natural, social and cultural environment wins in the set of stage 15 hours (with the LOE it was 490, they would correspond to the general reduction 465 and will have 480).Mathematics will have 10 hours more than those that would correspond to him (with the LOE he had 560 hours, he would correspond 535 and will have 545).And Castilian language and literature will have five more for those that would touch him (he will have 840 hours), that is, less than one more hour per academic year.

Rest of areas

Three other areas, foreign language, physical education and education in values (which occupies the place, in the comparison with the schedule of the LOE, of the missing subject of Education for Citizenship) remain the same.That is, with the proportional reduction of 5% of hours that the new cast between government, autonomies and centers supposes.The only one that loses weight with respect to the LOE schedule is religion, which sees it reduced in a third.Instead of the 300 hours that would correspond, it will have 210.The 90 that loses are those that gain artistic education, knowledge of the environment, mathematics and language.In the practice of the centers, religion had already lost ground in part of the autonomies after the Wert law allowed them to set the schedule.This is the case of a good part of those governed by the Socialists, where only one class is already given per week, which is the minimum that the government now sets (instead of the hour and a half that established the LOE).Even in Ceuta and Melilla, which depend directly on the Ministry, the Government set at the time of the PP.In other autonomies there are 90 per week of religion (in Castilla y León, for example, in the first three courses of the stage) and the maximum is reached in Navarra, with two hours (the Government Pact in the community plans to reduce it toan hour, but for now it has not been carried out).

From the next course, the matter will not have a mirror subject that has to take those who do not choose it.These will receive educational attention in the form of a review of cross -sectional elements of the curriculum.The subject will stop counting for the average file of the file in Secondary and Baccalaureate, that is, to access a race or other type of degree or to request a scholarship.

The schedule that sets education will be completed to 100% by the Autonomous Communities and the educational centers and will begin to apply the course.

The part of the schedule set by the Government (which represents 50% in autonomies with co -official language and 60% in which they do not have it) is like this:

Conocimiento del medio natural, social y cultural4802,3
Educación artística3601,7
Educación física3001,4
Educación en valores cívicos501,4 (solo se da en un curso)
Lengua castellana y Literatura8404
Lengua extranjera3651,7

The Ministry has retouched some words from the draft decree that will regulate primary education, which is known as a curriculum, after the criticisms that some formulations received this summer.In the previous version of the document, in the curriculum of the subject of civic values, for example, it was said: “Ethics as a guide of our actions.The meaning of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.Moral rules, virtues and feelings ".And now it reads: “Ethics as a guide of our actions.The debate around the valuable and the values.What are the norms, virtues and moral feelings ".

The changes respond to the will of those responsible for the ministry to give up issues that they consider more than in a way to try to pacify the educational debate, very agitated since the processing of the Education Law.Since she was appointed Minister, in July, replacing Isabel Celaá, Pilar Alegría has met with representatives of the educational community of all orientations.The search for understanding has made some of its interlocutors also taken steps.This is the case of the Episcopal Conference.The bishops presented this week their new design of the subject of religion, that is, the curriculum of the matter, which the legislation leaves in the hands of the Church.And the result is more like the approaches and language than the Ministry is using to regulate the rest of the subjects than those embodied by the Episcopal Conference itself in the previous religion curriculum, approved after the entry into force of the previous Educational Lawthat elaborated the PP.

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