Feminine fashion

These clothes can harm your health, do you want to know why?

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/01/2022 3009 Views

Did you know that the clothes you choose to wear can also influence your health? We can say that, in general, clothing that is too tight does not do your circulation any favors and can even be bad for cellulite. According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, "the frequent use of too tight clothing can favor the appearance of heart problems, since this type of clothing impairs venous blood circulation and facilitates the appearance of thrombi and pulmonary infarctions." But, in addition, tight clothing also causes fluid and toxin retention, favoring the appearance of cellulite and fat deposits in some areas of the body. In addition, it hinders digestion and can obstruct the correct passage of air and oxygen through the body. “We consider tight clothing to be those that do not allow us to make movements naturally and that, after having worn them for a few hours, leave marks on our skin. Feeling tingling and numbness in some areas, especially in the hands and feet, will be an unequivocal sign that we should wear looser clothing”, says Dr. Mar Moreno, member of the SEC and cardiologist at Hospital La Paz in Madrid.

But it is that, in addition, there are some that are not good allies of your intimate hygiene, especially three, as the experts of the firm Chilly, who recommend trying to avoid them to prevent the appearance of possible problems. Take note.

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1. Extremely tight pants, shorts, and jeans

Although it is true that fashion dictates trends and skinny pants, too tight, have lost strength and are no longer the only ones that live in our wardrobes, the truth is that there are many women who continue to bet on them, as they are still a basic garment for many women. However, it must be taken into account that if the fabric is very thick it can cause irritation, due to the rubbing of the seams, but it can also damage the vagina, since they prevent the natural perspiration of the genitals. For this reason, the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause recommends wearing wide pants, skirts or dresses.

2. Panties, bodies or girdles

The reason to avoid these garments is the same as in the case of tight pants. The ideal is to avoid the use of panties whenever possible and instead it is preferable to use stockings with elastic or a garter belt. It also happens with bodies or girdles that are too tight. The reason is that these types of garments do not perspire enough, accumulating heat and humidity in the intimate area, which can cause infections.

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3. Silk underwear and swimwear

Also the material of the fabric influences when choosing the clothes we wear. An example is silk underwear, as well as lycra or nylon, it may seem very sexy to us, but it may not be the best option. The reason? Synthetic fibers are not very absorbent and prevent the passage of air, so they sweat less. Ideally, underwear should be made of cotton, as it is hypoallergenic (so it prevents allergies, irritations and itching), protects from constant moisture and allows the area to breathe better. And keep in mind that special care must also be taken in summer with the star garment of these summer months: bikinis and swimsuits, which must be avoided keeping wet for a long time after taking a bath, as they can cause the appearance of fungi .

Everything, of course, with common sense, because nothing happens if we wear these clothes from time to time or if we don't have a spare swimsuit one day. The experts at the intimate hygiene firm insist on the importance of it not being something that happens frequently and, above all, the most important thing is that you take care of your intimate hygiene on a daily basis, to maintain a balanced pH and prevent discomfort.

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