Feminine fashion

How to be an elegant woman: 6 basic characteristics

By hollisterclothingoutlet 12/08/2022 800 Views
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6 factors that make an elegant woman (and no, clothes are not everything)

Porregina Barberena Anaya

-0two/01/two0twotwo 08:35

Feel good about yourself and be prudent.Because the elegant woman knows that this grace works from the inside.You have ever questioned yourself, what makes a woman elegant?It is easy to think about everything external - once, jewelry, cars and others - but the material factors lack the basis regarding what forms an elegant woman.To project elegance you have to look first inside, the rest will come after and little by little will work.

1.It all starts with education

And for education we do not mean that you should be the person-of-the-you-stars-of-Andante service.It's just about recognizing that you can treat others as you would like them to treat you.When you ask for your coffee in the cafeteria, do you let go of the cashier?The elegant woman knows how to behave with others without feeling superiority, and she recognizes where and with whom she is trying.

two.You can easily adapt

You are able to act in totally different environments and get coupled with your present.You can develop in an environment where you know all people, or where are you new.An elegant woman can live according to the situation and will not be reported.

3.Faithful to his style

Cómo ser una mujer elegante: 6 características básicas

Okay, we cannot rule out that external impressions are very important, but that is why we must also distinguish what we feel most comfortable.Has it happened to you that you do not feel comfortable with certain garments?Each woman has her style, and the harmonization of her appearance is consistent with her personality.So let it flow!The bearing will be noticed kilometers away.As Tip, these are the haircuts that rejuvenate according to the most elegant celebrities.

4.Is willing to learn

Let's never stop learning something new.The elegant woman is willing to listen and allow new knowledge to flourish.Why?Because feeding the mind is part of its personal growth (and even professional);In addition to nourish.

5.He takes advantage of his favorite accessories

He goes hand in hand with the style: maybe you fascinate red lipstick even to go to the supermarket.Or you know you can never leave home without putting perfume.You even have knowledge of how to combine tennis and heels.Whatever the case, the elegant woman is faithful with that minimum (or maximum) detail that makes her look and feel spectacular.

6.Take care of yourself

And this part comes at various levels: take care of your body with balanced exercise and nutrition (salad and triple chocolate ice cream, why not?);Try her mental health, she surrounds themselves with people who make her grow and give herself for herself to herself.When the elegant woman is in harmony with herself, the bearing and the class will naturally emanate.It is action-action!

What other factors do you think they do to an elegant woman?

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