Dressed in an orange blouse, a woman left January 21 from the doors of the Natural History Museum at 9:30 in the morning.He wore his left fist high and a green handkerchief, abortion, adorned his wrist.His relaxed walk through the doors accompanied the symbols of a morning loaded with them that began with discourse of exaltation of tenderness as a political value.
Then, girls and boys with their mothers and fathers in the space of formalism;colors in the clothes of the authorities;mistakes assumed naturally and citizens in the public's chairs.In the presentation of the Cabinet of the president -elect, the proud, tax and haughty walks of the men with dark terminats that built the symbolic world of the cabinet of the previous government, and from many of the precedents then even of theTransition, in which the chairs only had space for them and their similar -that of their schools, their families, their universities and their forms-.
But not everything goes on symbols.Marcela Ríos Tobar is the first not a lawyer to be Minister of Justice;She is a sociologist and political scientist and unlike her predecessor, she has an impeccable trajectory in the protection and promotion of respect for human rights, in particular, of feminist claims.Despite this, some and some wonder why an unbeatized?
However, the really interesting question is why should be a lawyer?
The third, in a note that appeared a couple of hours after the announcement of the cabinet, and in particular of this news, lets us know one of the responses of one of the members of the Supreme Court: “Here there is a particular language, aWorld and traditions, that's why I find the decision of the president -elect "the decision".That is, for some, who heads the Ministry of Justice must know the legal world - in particular judicial - and its languages and traditions.
The budget of its assertion - the existence of this world with its own traditions - is hardly debatable.It is enough to observe from outside the Santiago Justice Center: its walls and ascetic windows;the distribution of space thought of efficiency;His imposing heights and the gray tones that adorn it, seem like a reflection of the power that lawyers have inside.It is they and they who have knowledge and word and it is they who use them with the formalities imposed by the structure of the law and culture of justice spaces: they are the protagonists of justice.
Although not lawyers participate and form justice day by day, it seems that justice is the space of lawyers;With its traditions and words.This, certainly knows that member of the Supreme Court.Decrees the hegemony of lawyers and lawyers, knowing and despising - or at least ignoring - that different professionals contribute with their knowledge to the daily task of justice;that the Ministry of Justice is related to other institutions such as Gendarmerie, better childhood and not just the Judiciary;that day by day children, women and men cross the doors of imposing courts as victims, accused, demanding, defendants and witnesses;that the Ministry of Justice is in charge of public justice policies and its implementation.
And, deep down, the answer to the really interesting question is that there are those who are interested in maintaining that hegemony.The expectation is that a lawyer or lawyer leads the Ministry of Justice because the reproduction of the dynamics that grant lawyers the power among their institutions is expected.These traditions must be known, respected and honest because they perpetuate a certain way of doing justice.
After seeing the announcement of the cabinet, we should already find out that a new way of making a state and, therefore, justice, is beginning to be embodied by the authorities.A way of making a state that promotes dialogue between disciplines in a way that dilutes current hierarchies is built: those of gray tern, haughty walks and snoring and tax voices that are legitimized through excessive use of formalisms.
With Ríos Tobar, it is that the epic - and ethics - of the care and tenderness that has filled the political project of the left in the posterior to the popular revolt aspires to be much more than a speech;aspires to be constitutive of a justice that is not done by and for lawyers.A justice in which the expert voices of different disciplines are valid, legitimate and make up justice to the same extent as lawyers and lawyers.The aspiration that other expert knowledge are not only "useful", "servile", "listened", but that they share the power to do justice on a day, in an institution in which much more complex problems are addressed much more complexand that today faces many more challenges and that needs to expand its eyes.
A justice that is no longer for and for lawyers and lawyers, but for and for victims and accused;plaintiffs and defendants;inmates and gendarmes.With space for children and young people, for repair and resocialization.We hope to open the horizons and continue breaking the fence of the possible, learning that new looks are needed for access to justice, in an institution composed of many more people who embody other professions and occupations to reach citizens.