Feminine fashion

The price of these products that you buy have usually risen to 33%: to go to the supermarket, the pharmacy or to a store is much more expensive than a year ago

By hollisterclothingoutlet 06/08/2022 665 Views

Surely you have noticed that lately the shopping basket is more expensive.And the same happens when you acquire other products, for example, in a pharmacy or clothing store.

This is not the result of an imagination: there are data that demonstrates the price increase.In fact, the CPI rose 2.9% last July, reaching a rate that has not registered since 2017.

And of course we must not forget the increase in the electricity bill, which is up to 3 times more expensive than last year.Electricity and gas are not expected to drop up to 2022.

That the basic products increase in price translates into a loss of purchasing level of consumers, so it is convenient to know the data to know which articles in particular have uploaded.

The National Statistics Institute (INE) collects on its website.

Next, the products that have been more expensive, establishing a comparison between August 20 and August 20, 2021 are collected.

Power products

El precio de estos productos que compras habitualmente han subido hasta un 33%: ir al supermercado, a la farmacia o a una tienda es mucho más caro que hace un año

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The purchase basket is possibly the aspect in which you have most increased prices, especially because it has affected basic and very consumed food items.

These are the products that have raised the most price and their year -on -year variation rate:

The price increase of edible spoils (3.9%) is curious, these foods are the pieces of animals that are usually sold less, but whose consumption increases in times of crisis.

Choosing white brands can help you save in this section.

Clothes and shoes


If you have bought clothes lately, you will also have noticed an increase in the cost of certain items, especially if you have young children.

This is how clothing prices have uploaded compared to August 2020:

The increase is not as accused as in food items, but there is also.

There are no products in this section that have dropped in price, according to INE data.



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Pharmacies have benefited from the Coronavirus pandemic: the sale of masks or audodiagnostic test are good proof of this.

However, the rise in its prices can be seen only in 3 products:

It is also necessary to point out that graduated glasses and pregnancy tests have dropped a 0.5%.

Exactly the same reduction have experienced non -oral contraceptives and pregnancy tests.

Furniture and appliances


In the event that you have made a reform at home or if you have bought furniture recently, you will also have noticed that your pocket has suffered more than the account.

These are the items that have increased the most price:

The positive news is that carpets and carpets (-2.3%), food processing devices (-2.2%) and refrigerators and freezers (-0.3%) have lowered at price (-0.3%).

Even so, the reduction of these products does not compensate for the rise of the above.

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