Baby clothes

7 tips for your baby to develop thick motor skills and flexibility

By hollisterclothingoutlet 14/08/2022 686 Views
In your early years your baby goes through multiple stages that are vital for their development.Photo: Pixabay

In your early years your baby goes through multiple stages that are vital for their development. Con el gateo, y más adelante la marcha, empieza a descubrir el mundo con su cuerpo, lo que convierte cada día en una aventura que le brinda la oportunidad de explorar sus sentidos. Tu pequeño empieza a diferenciar texturas, a preferir colores y alimentos, a comprender la naturaleza de algunos sonidos desconocidos y a oler diversos tipos de aromas.All these changes are given thanks to the development of their thick and cognitive motor skills.

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According to Dra. María Elvira Fayad, licenciada en terapia ocupacional con two5 años de experiencia en el tratamiento de infantes, la motricidad gruesa es la habilidad de manejar el cuerpo para hacer movimientos grandes, es decir, que tu bebé logre sentarse solo, que gatee, que empiece a ponerse de pie, que suba escaleras, que monte triciclo, y muchas actividades más, en la medida en que va creciendo.Performing these movements not only benefits their motor skills, it also affects the development of fine skills such as chopped and tangled, writing and buttoned.

Indeed, Dra.María Elvira Fayad indicates that “if babies do not develop their thick motor skills, the development of fine motor skills is more complex. La motricidad gruesa está ligada a su evolución cognitiva, ya que está 100% involucrada en el proceso de neurodesarrollo. La visión, la percepción y la estabilidad corporal se adquieren a través de la integración de los dos hemisferios cerebrales, y esto solo se puede lograr con el apoyo de los papás en cada una de las etapas de crecimiento.Gateo and drag are contralateral patterns-left-right left-that are vital for this interhemispheric integration.Sometimes children who do not crawl have laterality problems ”.

For this reason, this specialist shares 7 recommendations to help your baby to properly develop their thick motor skills and flexibility:

1.Keep your baby on the floor!

7 consejos para que tu bebé desarrolle la motricidad gruesa y la flexibilidad

Do not be afraid to give your little one at home freedom.Let it explore the spaces and be free to pass under the tables and chairs.If you take it to the park, keep it on different surfaces and allow it to advance through tunnels and films, especially in the crawling stage. Estas actividades le van a ayudar a desarrollar una buena percepción visoespacial, lo que después se va a reflejar en la lectoescritura.

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two.Protection is important, but clothes are enough

Avoid putting external elements to protect it during the early stages.Knee knees are made for contact sports, crawling and walking are natural activities that do not need additional protections.

Children need to feel textures, it is recommended that you locate your baby on different surfaces such as grass, sand, earth and floor (tile, wood, marble).Surely there will be some in which you feel more comfortable than in others, but it is key that you begin to recognize and decide for yourself.

3.Say yes to the nap!

When babies do not sleep enough, they are more irritable, more susceptible and more difficult.Siesta is an excellent natural repair that benefits its organism.This custom will make children feel tired and more active, which will give them more energy in the day to move and discover new things.

4.A good feeding pattern makes the difference

Live new experiences, active different stages.For example, the beginning of your baby's independent displacement is related to the change in your diet and the exploration of new foods.Physical activity makes calories and energy faster, so it is key to give it foods rich in fiber and protein. En la etapa de alimentación complementaria son clave las carnes, los vegetales, las legumbres, los cereales, los lácteos y los huevos.

5. Sorprende a tu bebé desde diversas direcciones

Making small postural changes in the crib or in bed is useful for children from 0 to two years to develop both cerebral hemispheres. Intenta cambiar la posición de tu bebé con frecuencia, para que deba voltear su cabeza en diferentes direcciones para mirar la puerta o el origen de algunos sonidos.

Also, enter your favorite toys from different angles to use your two hands.In this way you avoid that a single eye, hearing or hand develops more easily.

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6. Cualquier momento es bueno para ejercitar al pequeño

Babies need a diaper change approximately 8 times a day, so this space is ideal for stimulation and thick motor exercises.With the support of your hand on his back, we have his hands and help him change his bed. Esto le ayudará a tener un mayor control de cabeza, que luego incidirá en un mejor desarrollo motor para comenzar nuevas etapas como el gateo.

If your little one is bigger and is already discovering the world, it will need stability in its trunk.To help you you can lift it and leave it supported by its tail, more or less 10 seconds, about 3 or 4 times - during the change of diaper - so that it tonifies its back.

7. Un buen pañal es clave

Your baby needs to be very comfortable to give the opportunity to explore and will not achieve it if you do not have a good diaper.“It is necessary that these allow the anatomical distribution of your baby's body fluids, that is, their urine and deposition, so that they do not lose their balance and coordination. Un pañal lleno en el que se forma la típica ‘colita de pato’ o ‘bulto’ incrementa las caídas y la sensación de incomodidad por el peso adicional y la humedad”, afirma la Dra Fayad.

Dra.María Elvira Fayad: Professional in Occupational Therapy, with two7 years of experience in the entire process of neurodevelopment in high -risk preterm and neonates.Trained in making assessments from the Neonates Unit, Neurodevelopment sequence of the preterm, orientation and monitoring of the parents, charisma and management of the neonates.Early detection of neuromuscular, neurological and sensory alterations motor.Sensory Integration Management.

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