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A judge gave birth and her partner bit her in the sanatorium

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/03/2022 905 Views

A new case of gender violence moves the community of Puerto Madryn. A judge gave birth and her partner attacked her in the sanatorium where she is hospitalized. According to her reports, the local police arrested him in the last hours and it would be a judicial employee.

Una jueza dio a luz y su pareja la mordió en el sanatorio

The violent sequence took place in the room of the sanatorium where the magistrate had given birth to her hours before. Her partner, father of the newborn child, "bitten her and threw her and her baby's clothes out a window," according to the local newspaper Diario Jornada.

The now detainee is an employee of the technical area of ​​the Judiciary of Chubut who performs tasks in the Courts of Puerto Madryn. For his part, the TSJ ordered a summary and the suspension of the aggressor, who is housed in a police unit, at least until next Thursday.

At the moment he was suspended for 45 days (which could be extended), without pay.

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