Andrea Benítez puede presumir de ser la primera mujer de la historia que patinó en unos Juegos Olímpicos.She, however, talks about the issue naturally and regrets that in the skate, as in other sports, there are still economic differences between men and women.
"En algunos campeonatos en concreto", ha contado este martes la skater a Ana Morgade y Maya Pixelskaya en yu, No te pierdas nada. "Yo he quedado de primera en algún campeonato y en la categoría masculina el primero ha ganado más dinero".
"Son las mismas horas de esfuerzo, la misma práctica, el mismo circuito, y la excusa que ponen es que no somos tantas como ellos, pero si nunca llegas a poner los mismo premios... ¿Quién se va a animar? Si no llega a haber apoyo del todo...".
Precisely, due to these differences between men and women, it was not easy to start. "No tenía patrocinadores o los que tenía me pagaban muy poco, y me planteé dejar el skate e ir a la Universidad", ha añadido Benítez, que no hizo lo primero pero sí lo segundo.The end of career is already ending.
Doctors told me not to skate anymore
Cuando no se planteó dejar el skate fue cuando con 13 años le detectaron una escoliosis que le obligó a llevar corsé rígido durante 23 horas al día."That time was to shower and relax a little," said Benítez, who kept crying when they made the diagnosis.
"Los médicos me decían que no patinase más, que me iba a hacer daño, que ya tenía la espalda fastidiada", continúa la deportista, que a la semana ya empezó a hacer pruebas de patinar con el corsé.He got it and even presented several championships."I had a first sponsorship with corset and everything was evolving," he explains.
Antidoping at the Olympic Games
From his time at Tokyo's Olympic Games, Andrea has many anecdotes, from what was brought as a memory for being a pioneer to how he learned of his participation.
"Me dieron un pin al volver el Comité Olímpico Español", cuenta entre risas.
Benítez was not going to participate in Tokyo 2020 for "a standard of continental quota": "I was left out because in Europe there were already a few, but there was a decrease per covid and they called me".
"I was in Copenhague and they told me 'he took a flight to Spain'.The next day I went to Tokyo, "explains the Olympic athlete, who could only practice one day before the competition. "Mentalmente fue una locura".
Tokyo 2020's anecdote was the music he had in his round.The 'Let's go to the beach, oh, oh, oh...'I did not choose it but there is a part of the retransmission in which I look in my round of the when I sing' we go to the beach, oh, oh, oh, oh, "says the skater, which became trending topicWith this moment.
To be an Olympic athlete also has to pass antidopping tests, for which he has no problem because she is very drinking some beer."I say it seriously," he insists.
"Lo molesto es que tenemos una app de los JJOO donde pones todos los días donde duermes y donde te levantas", continúa contando, ya que los controles antidopping son sempre sorpresa.She touched her past Christmas."I was sleeping.I hear Ding-Dong and I say 'Antidoping!'.I with my Christmas pijamita, of trees, "said Benítez, who has left the Yuser presenters with the next phrase."You have to pee and they are looking at you".
On the doubt of whether anti -dopping controls are also league revealing in the Olympic village, the answer is no: "In the when you slept in the room yes or yes".
Andrea Benítez's steps in music
Andrea Benítez es una apasionada del skate pero también de la música: "Toco la guitarra y me gusta cantar".
"I started with the guitar when the corset, I learned on my own the guitar and I have recorded songs," said the skater that has several videos playing the guitar.
For now he has no plan to devote himself to music, but to design.He has his own clothing brand and will soon launch the first collection.
Timeless, as the brand is called, was born from a collaboration.He started making rings and will soon start the online store that will sell t -shirts like the one that has brought to Parquecito.The logo is an axis of a skate and a crossed rose.
You can see the interview from the 22nd minute