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I am Doula and people usually misunderstand what I do, ”I consider a birth tourist guide

By hollisterclothingoutlet 12/01/2023 648 Views

I am a doula.The term comes from a Greek word that means "serving", and that is exactly what I do.

I provide emotional, educational and physical support during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, during a period of transition and sacred in the life of parents.

I'm not nurse or midwife.A midwife provides real medical attention: I give informative support but I do not prescribe medications.

People often think of the caulas as childbirth coaches.But I describe myself as a tourist guide at birth.

If you go on vacation, you want someone to know all the good places to eat, the good places to see.That is what I am, but by birth.I help you navigate and discover what you don't know.

I make prenatal, childbirth and postpartum sessions

I help families throughout the trip, from pregnancy and childbirth to the fragile days of postpartum.

A typical session for a prenatal customer implies talking about the stages of labor, comfort measures and how to handle labor.

We talk about evidence -based practices that occur in their place of birth and anything emotional that may be happening in pregnancy.In addition, from birth preferences and what they would like a doula defending in his name.

Soy doula y la gente suele malinterpretar lo que hago —Me considero una guía turística de nacimiento

A prenatal session lasts approximately two hours.My goal is to really know who you are to be able to talk for you when you cannot.

In a postpartum session, I would offer some support for breastfeeding, if that is what you want.

I execute interference with sleep problems.You can take a nap and I can hold your baby.But there is also a lot of information in these sessions about postpartum life, for example, how to give your baby their first bath or how to change the diapers.

Some postpartum manulas can also do light cleaning, preparing bottles and washing babies clothes.

A DOULA does not have to be face

People have the erroneous idea that the doula are only for the rich.While some can be expensive according to their experience and services, it is not always the case.

According to the New York City Doula Report, in 2019, the Doula services rank ranged between $ 150 and $ 2,800 according to the experience and services provided.

You can find a doula looking in your area.I am a full -time maida with my own practice called Metoo Doula in Brooklyn.

I work with organizations that provide caulas to support low -income families and also teach education for childbirth.

Due to the pandemic, I have had to adapt my Doula business

Many of our visits are now virtual and usually do all at a distance except the closest to birth, which is in person.

Pandemia also complicated births, since I had to virtually train the people who gave birth.

While it was not ideal, I was still there for them.Now that things have opened a little more, I also attend deliveries in person.

The experience of each doula is different

Some people are very clear about expectations around childbirth, but others don't, and I can help.Each birth is different.I had a very difficult birth in early 2021 and one easy yesterday morning.

My experiences are very varied.It is exciting to work in different environments and meet new people.I love how every day and customer is unique.

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