Baby clothes

Thus the Atacama desert became a giant dump

By hollisterclothingoutlet 23/10/2022 685 Views

"This clothes come from all over the world," Alex Carreño, former worker in the Iquique port area, who lives next to a clothing side, explains to theAFP.In that area of importers and preferential taxes, merchants from the rest of the country select the garments for their stores and what is left over cannot leave the customs of this region of just over 300.000 inhabitants."What was not sold to Santiago or went to other countries (such as Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay for smuggling), then stay here because it is a free zone," says Carreño.On the desert landscape there are spots of all kinds of garbage, and many are clothes, wallets and shoes.Ironically, rain or sky boots stand out in one of the most arid areas in the world.A lady who does not want to give her name, has half a sunk body in a mount of clothes and rolling in search of the best possible to sell them in her neighborhood.On the other hand, Sofia and Jenny, two young Venezuelan who crossed the border between Bolivia and Chili, about 350 kilometers fromWe really don't have, we were bumping all when we had been backing here ".(See here: Iran's moves in Venezuela that for years have worried Colombia)

Moda tóxica

Reportes sobre la industria textil han expuesto el alto costo de la moda rápida, con trabajadores subpagados, denuncias de empleo infantil y condiciones deplorables para producir en serie.To this today are added devastating figures on its immense environmental impact, comparable to that of the oil industry.According to a 2019 UN study, the production of clothing in the world doubled between 2000 and 2014, which has evidenced that it is an industry "responsible for 20% of the total waste of water globally".The same report indicates that only the production of jeans (jeans) requires 7.500 liters of water, emphasizes that the manufacture of clothing and footwear generates 8% of greenhouse gases, and that "every second is buried or burned with an amount of textiles equivalent to a garbage truck".In the textile dumps of this Chilian desert it is possibleDecember in London or New York."The problem is that clothing is not biodegradable and has chemicals, so it is not accepted in municipal landfills," Franklin Zepeda, a founder of Ecofibra, a circular economy firm with a production plant in high hospice in High Hospiceof panels with thermal insulator based on these disposable clothes.Under the ground there are more covered garments with the help of municipal trucks, in an attempt to avoid causes caused and very toxic by the chemicals and synthetic fabrics that compose it.But buried or sight clothes also give off pollutants in the air and towards the groundwater napas typical of the desert ecosystem.Fashion is as toxic as tires or plastics.AFP

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Textile industry




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