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COPE The most difficult side of Lady Di: her refusal to wear Chanel and the truth behind her sleeping photo

By hollisterclothingoutlet 09/03/2023 645 Views

The life of Diana of Wales, more commonly known as Lady Di, was undeniably unusual. Her naturalness and her spontaneity made her win the hearts of England and much of the world. His personality always moved away from aristocratic life: he had secrets and various aspirations that distanced him from the canon that marked the Royal Family.

Diana faced difficult and complicated decisions, proved to be brave, daring and escaped political correctness whenever she could. Without gaining the affection of Queen Elizabeth or earning a place in the heart of her husband, Prince Charles, Diana lived in the bosom of the British Royal Family as an outsider and her life, without a doubt, It was not easy. She broke with the established and even today, Diana de Gales is a benchmark throughout the world. Her story is still alive and more and more people consider her to be one of the most authentic 'royals' due to her style, her naturalness and her charm.

'Sleeping Beauty' and her pregnancy announcement

In just four months, Diana Spencer went from unknown babysitter and preschool teacher to princess. In November 1981, Lady Di's life underwent a radical change when she married Prince Charles and what she did not know is that, from then on, all eyes would be on her: every gesture, every attitude, any slightest movement. It was going to be scrutinized by everyone.

One of the most striking moments — and also controversial for her husband — came a few months after she married Prince Charles. Diana of Wales had to attend the opening of the 'Splendours Of the Gonzaga' exhibition at a London museum when media photographers immortalized a photograph of Diana fast asleep. A moment of weakness that the media did not hesitate to portray. The society renamed her 'Sleeping Beauty', although her husband did not like that episode at all.

What people didn't know, however, was the real reason she had fallen asleep. The morning after the incident, an official statement from Buckingham Palace announced that Diana was pregnant with her first child, Prince William, which could explain her tiredness and why she had fallen completely asleep.

The reason why she stopped wearing Chanel clothes

COPE The more difficult side of Lady Di : her refusal to wear Chanel and the truth behind her sleeping photo

This is one of the episodes in Lady Di's life that not many remember. Buried in the trunk of memories, it came to light in February 2019 after the death of Karl Lagerfeld. The designer's Chanel dresses overflowed social networks but there were a few who wanted to unearth the relationship between the luxury firm and Diana of Wales, telling why she had stopped wearing the brand's clothes during the last years of her life .

The truth is that the answer, although painful for Lady Diana, is without a doubt quite unknown. It was the stylist Jayson Brundson, who accompanied and dressed Diana of Wales on her last trip to Australia after divorcing Prince Charles. The response to this was published by 'Harper's Bazaar Australia' and the decision was related to her ex-husband and his new wife, Camila Parker-Bowles.

“I was reviewing the footwear for her looks and I picked up some signature shoes to combine with her Versace dress,” said the stylist. At this point, Lady Di refused to wear Chanel shoes that he himself had chosen. His refusal, how could it be otherwise, aroused Brundson's curiosity: "I can't use intertwined 'C', they are Camila and Carlos", was the answer she gave him herself.

The memorial statue of Diana with three children around her

On July 2, 2021, Princes William and Harry decided to call a truce in the midst of their rocky relationship to unveil in Kensington Gardens, in London, a statue in honor of his mother, who would have turned 60. The bronze statue surprised everyone, not only because of its size but because it shows Diana of Wales surrounded by three children, when in reality she only had two.

The reason for this decision is none other than her own children, but that Diana is surrounded by three children to symbolize “the warmth, elegance and energy of Diana, Princess of Wales, as well as her work and the impact it has had on so many people," Kensington Palace wanted to explain in a statement.

The controversy of 'Spencer' and the reality of Lady Diana with food

On November 19, 'Spencer' was released, a film by Pablo Larraín and starring Kristen Stewart, which tells some of the toughest episodes in the life of Diana of Wales, among which, fundamentally, her relationship with food stands out. The film, in fact, takes place in the last days of Christmas that Diana spent with the Royal Family at the Sandringham country house.

Throughout the production, the bulimia suffered by Lady Di is explicitly shown, thus showing how the menus for lunches and dinners at the Palace were prepared during those days. In fact, chef Darren McGrady himself has played a key role throughout the production. If the episodes of bulimia were already shown in the series 'The Crown', and which raised many blisters within the Royal Family, it is shown in an even cruder way in this production.

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