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Five keys to reduce alcohol consumption Tips for sunbathing without repellent insect risks: how to use them correctly how to dry clothes inside home without worrying about moisture

By hollisterclothingoutlet 10/09/2022 644 Views

You may have taken too much during the parties, or you want to start a diet or an exercise routine and you cannot allow the calories or the downturn of energy and motivation that alcoholic beverages can generate.

Or it can be someone who is really beginning to ask or question their relationship with alcohol, and this is an opportunity to really explore the matter.For some people it can be really difficult.

What are the advice of experts to succeed in this goal?

1.Know your reasons to leave alcohol

To turn it into a habit, it helps to be clear about.It is more likely that the goals will be reached if they are really relevant to one as an individual and not abstract such as "I must stop drinking because drinking is bad".

The concrete objectives, such as adopting new sleep habits or an exercise routine, will help stop drinking."I really want to stop drinking because I know that when I drink much I don't get up the next morning and I don't exercise" it is a very concrete goal.Additional motivation can come from the health benefits that are obtained by reducing or eliminating alcohol.

Drinking less over time can have really measurable benefits in your health in terms of blood pressure, cancer risk, risk of liver disease and other conditions.In the course of a month, some short -term benefits can be noticed, such as sleeping better, improving the complexion thanks to skin improvements, feeling clearer and having more energy.

two.I set intelligent objectives

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Many of us are familiar with the “smart” (smart) objectives at work or at school, which are used to help establish attainable objectives.They are the acronym for:

- Specific (specific): establishes an attainable objective, such as reducing alcohol consumption 3 days a week.Puodés add days until you reach your ultimate goal.

- Measurable (measurable): How many drinks will you less drink and what size?

- Achievable (attainable): make sure that there are not a lot of social commitments in which alcohol is likely to be served during your abstinence month.

- Release (relevant): How will you help me in my life and in my health not drink?

- Time Based (Based on time): I established a reasonable time to finish your efforts.If you want, you can establish another objective later.If you put the stick too high, you can fail, so it is better to establish smaller goals to achieve it.It all starts with a sincere conversation with oneself.

3.I shared your goal of not taking more alcohol with others

Informing some friends or family of your goal can help you achieve it.Some people can work to announce their plan on social networks, and even invite others to join and report their progress.If you publicly declare that you are going to do something, you are more likely to fulfill it than if you keep it for you.

4.Consider the possibility of a mocktail (false cocktail)

The drink is usually associated with social meetings or moments of fun and party.That can make your brain see alcohol as something positive.You can fight those impulses replacing your preferred drink with something equally festive or tasty.

For some it can simply be water with gas, and for others it is really to have a “mocktail” or some type of (non -alcoholic) drink that feels fun and celebration.Replace a behavior for another can work because you are cheating on your brain.That can help you avoid temptation.

5.Follow up your progress, your goal and how you feel

Even if you do not leave alcohol, track your emotions and impulses to discover your triggers can be useful information.The mere fact of measuring your behavior, whether alcohol or exercise or your diet, can be an intervention in itself.

If someone is not yet prepared to make changes, the simple fact of bringing a diary of when he drinks, in what situations he takes more and how he feels at that time can help identify a kind of trigger situations in which it is more likely to be make.

It is important that you realize whether you or a loved one are showing some negative symptom for reducing or eliminating alcohol.That could be a sign that professional help is needed to achieve the objective.

The first thing is to be aware is whether or not there is an alcohol consumption disorder.If someone has been drinking a lot every day and runs the risk of abstinence symptoms, then it can really be dangerous to leave it sharply.

Someone with a true alcohol consumption disorder, who has become accustomed to having a certain level of it in your body every day, can go into abstinence and experience serious physical symptoms such as tremors, sweating, heart rate acceleration and seizures and seizures.That would be an indication that you have to talk to a professional to receive proper treatment.

Source: CNN

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