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Lemon: all the benefits of this citrus – Nexofin

By hollisterclothingoutlet 23/12/2022 661 Views

Lemon houses an important variety of vitamins, antioxidants and bactericides and you can use it to season, make liqueurs, an ingredient in savory or sweet recipes. Like the rest of citrus fruits, its main property is its contribution of vitamin C, which constitutes approximately 88% of its vitamin content, and 50% of the weight percentage of its nutritional composition.

But it is not the only one, because it also has other vitamins such as A, B, E, K and P. In addition to other interesting nutrients for the proper functioning of the body, such as antioxidants, such as citric acid, which helps to Eliminate toxins that accumulate and that can favor the appearance of certain diseases. Regarding minerals, the presence of potassium, selenium, calcium, iron and magnesium stands out especially.

Benefits for your health:

Lemon: all the benefits this lemon brings citrus – Nexofin

Ally against bacteria: it has a bactericidal power and that is why many homemade cleaning tricks are based on this fruit, and even chemical products include it in its formulation. Well, the body also benefits from its power to fight bacteria that threaten the body.

Strong immune system: in winter, the immune system is much more exposed to the typical viruses of this time, so it is important to strengthen it. In this sense, lemon is a great ally due to its high content of vitamin C and flavonoids, which reinforce the body's defenses and prevent respiratory diseases.

It is an alkalizer: the minerals it leaves in the body after digestion help to eliminate hydrogen ions and reduce acidity.

Detox: it is the detox fruit par excellence, since it stimulates the liver and helps to eliminate toxins. One of the most effective remedies to detoxify your liver is to drink freshly squeezed lemon juice every morning on an empty stomach along with half a glass of water, and wait half an hour for it to take effect before eating other foods.

Take care of your digestive system: water with lemon on an empty stomach has a satiating effect and has hardly any calories. In addition, lemon increases the movements of the intestines, which facilitates the expulsion of feces. It also helps to carry out heavy digestions.

Take care of the brain: you can also benefit from its regular consumption due to the high amount of potassium it contains, which helps reduce problems of increased blood pressure and keeps blood vessels healthy. Thanks to this, it improves circulation in the nervous system, avoiding brain accidents and increasing cognitive abilities.

Source: Day

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