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Measures to live with someone isolated by Covid – Nexofin

By hollisterclothingoutlet 06/04/2023 1291 Views

If someone you live with is sick with COVID-19, it can be difficult to avoid close contact if space is limited. For correct insulation, I followed these measures:

– Keep as much space as possible (at least two meters) between the sick person and others, including pets. Separate people who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from others who are infected.

– That the patient wear a mask and/or chinstrap when they are near the caregiver or other people who live in the house. Do not put a mask on children under the age of two or on anyone who has difficulty breathing or cannot remove it without help.

– You should cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and mask.

– All household members should wash their hands frequently with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, and avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.

– That only one person in the house is the one who cares for the sick person. Minimize contact with others in the household, especially those who are at higher risk of severe illness.

– Assign one caregiver for the sick person and a different caregiver for other household members who need help with washing, bathing, or other daily activities.

Measures to live with someone isolated by Covid – Nexofin

– The caregiver should wear a mask and/or face covering when caring for the sick person, and if they have to interact with or care for other members who have underlying conditions.

– Avoid sharing items for personal use, such as telephones, cutlery, towels, bedding or toys with the patient.

– Clean and disinfect any place in the house where the sick person has been, as well as their bedding and other clothing.

– If you share a room with someone who is sick, make sure the room has good air circulation. Open a window and run a fan to draw in and circulate fresh air, if it's safe and practical to do so.

– Position the beds so they are spaced at least two meters apart. If this is not possible, have him sleep in the opposite direction (where one has his head, the other will have his feet). Put a physical separator around the sick person's bed. For example, you could use a shower curtain, divider screen, large cardboard poster, blanket, or large bedspread. Wash and dry bedding and towels after you use them. Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry.

– If you share a bathroom with the sick person, have them clean and disinfect it after each use. If this is not possible, the caregiver should put on a mask and disposable gloves, and wait as long as practical after the bathroom has been used before going in and cleaning it. The infected person should wear a mask and/or chinstrap when using the bathroom, if possible. Make sure there is good air circulation. Open a window and run a fan to draw in and circulate fresh air, if it's safe and practical to do so.

– Do not receive visitors, unless they need to be at home (for example: home nursing staff). Let them know that a person in the house is sick with COVID-19 and that they should put on a mask and stay as far away as possible from the patient, at a distance of two meters.

– The infected person must remain in isolation until they meet the health criteria of the country where they live.

Caring for a sick family member with COVID-19

– Drink enough fluids to stay hydrated.

– Let him rest.

– Take the medications prescribed by the doctor.

– Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

– That they use a chinstrap when coming into contact with you.

– That he does not present warning signs of an emergency such as: difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, pale, gray or bluish color of the skin, among others. In this case, call emergency.

Source: Conbienestar

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