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The city between seams: the taste for thread and thimble is hollow in Zaragoza

By hollisterclothingoutlet 24/09/2022 691 Views

Victoria López is the owner of a patronage, cutting and clothing school in Zaragoza.He opened his business 5 years ago but "he needed a larger place due to the increase in demand", so this summer was moved from Fueros de Aragón street to Carmen Street.«I have always been linked to this world.I am a textile technical engineer and I have dedicated many years to regulated teaching, but the bug of mounting something like that was chopped because I realized that there were many people who wanted to learn but there was no where.And the truth is that in recent years the interest has been increasing, ”he explains.

The reasons that are increasing.«It is a form of leisure, in addition to that you can make your own clothes.Working with your hands forces you to be concentrated, so you forget everything else, ”says this profession of scissors who, by the way, in times of Covid moistens the tip of the threads with hydroalcoholic gel, for that of noGo down the mask.«Last year, when everything was closed, many people came on weekends.The workshops were full because people wanted to leave home and there was no where, but we have always respected security measures, ”he says.

Noemí Martínez is another Zaragozana who is determined to take the thoughts from the butter cookie boxes.Since 2017 it manages a web page, the voice of the seamstresses, in which it disseminates content related to the textile world, mainly interviews with recognized members of this guild."Yes, in recent years there is a greater interest on the part of the people," he says.

A young woman designing a garment.Castro Angel

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Martínez decided to release his digital window after being a mother, because then the memories of the women of his family came to mind, together and happy sewing and creating.«I wanted to demonstrate that work is not something of the marujas, as it has wanted to be seen historically.For me in times it was a matter of sorority.The women got together at the end of the day after a hard work day to do beautiful things, ”he says.

Martínez also points out that the sewing likes millennials and the Zeta because it returns them to the earthly world.«For young people creation is a pleasure.To be able to design your own clothes with your own hands at a time when everything is digital, ethereal and intangible brings you closer to earth.And you can also wear your designs, ”he says.

Victoria López coincides with her.«It may no longer come out cheaper to make your own clothes, because you can't compete with Inditex.But if you want to do something special, to your liking and with your size, it continues to be better, ”he says.

The taste for sewing has grown almost at the same time as the taste for kitchen and at this point there are two factors that have also influenced this phenomenon: television programs and confinement.Masterchef (TVE) in broadcast since 2013 in the culinary field and sewing teachers (also TVE), which will soon premiere its fifth edition, as well as the novel (and then television series) the time between seams have relaunched the taste for these theseancestral work and that are increasingly in vogue in the modern world.On the other hand, the months of confinement in 2020 fired the sale of sewing and yeast machines.We had time and needed distraction.

A teacher helps a young man take measures to get pants.Castro Angel

"In recent years, the sewing has been very expelled," says López, although both she and Martínez underline a fault: men - at least the heteronormative, says Noemí - barely approach the art of sewing their own clothes.«Yes, there are no ages.I have children's workshops since 7 years.Now you see a group of teenagers and also come retired, ”says López, who in addition to his own degree (not approved) teaches weekly workshops that last a whole course but also punctual on concrete issues.

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Mario (19 years) and Daniel (17) are two of the students who attend the Victoria workshops.Both claim that some time ago there could be more prejudices, but that they have blurred.Both, in addition, do not repair much in it either and they have it clear: they want to devote themselves to fashion.«What makes me illusion is that people carry my designs.I like to see them in others, ”says the eldest of the two before starting pants, the task of this quarter.Daniel, meanwhile, says that they have ever asked him where were the garments he wore.The answer: yours at 100%."Mola say it," he acknowledges.

In Zaragoza, there are many other women who dedicate themselves to the dissemination and teaching of sewing.Sol Lasierra, a local influencer with 6.000 followers on Instagram, hook pin, the Monalita workshop, on Calle Mayor, in addition to, of course, all the mercerías that have been serving their clients in the neighborhoods of the Aragonese capital in the neighborhoods of the Aragonese capital.His dependents are witness to the passage of time and, luckily, it seems that this story, stitch stitching, will continue to be woven.

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