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Government continues with house liberation in Xochimehuacan so that families can inhabit them: MBH

By hollisterclothingoutlet 06/07/2022 799 Views

Bulletin 340/2021

-The governor reported that the state administration and military forces have already begun demolition in the sinister area

-The Secretary of Infrastructure reported that 77 homes are considered total loss

-Sopap distributed 60 thousand liters of water in the colonies that were affected by the suspension of the well called "CFE 1"

-SEDIF has received 3,378 foods of society

City of Puebla, Pue.- As yesterday, on Wednesday the inhabitants of San Pablo Xochimehuacan, whose homes were not collapsed by the explosion last Sunday and who are habitable, can gradually return to their homes, Governor MiguelBarbosa Huerta, who said that the State Administration and the Mexican Army have already started with the demolition in the sinister area.

In this regard, the Secretary of Infrastructure, Juan Daniel Gámez Murillo updated that the incident left damage to 262 homes, of which 64 recorded severe damage, so they are susceptible to being demolished and rebuilt;Of those that can be inhabited immediately, 77 were already released this Tuesday (40 percent) and the rest will be delivered during this Wednesday, he said.

Of the total affected properties, 255 have been reviewed and censored by the inter -institutional brigades coordinated by the State DIF system, said the Secretary of the Interior, Ana Lucía Hill Mayoral;The authorities have not been able to enter and evaluate the remaining seven homes for the absence of the owners.

In that sense, the state president announced that the State DIF system performs an analysis of the situation in which the families whose homes are considered as total loss, in order to support them as their homes are built.In press videoconference, the governor reported that the victims and injured are treated in the installed shelters and hospitals of the Ministry of Health.

He offered to personally attend to the people who intend to denounce (anonymously) some clandestine take, and invited them to do so by the institutional channels to 089 or directly before the State Attorney General's Office (FGE).

Continúa gobierno con liberación de casas en Xochimehuacan para que familias las puedan habitar: MBH

Made infrastructure coating work for safe access

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Infrastructure indicated that coating work on Railroad Avenue for safe access to the area was carried out;In addition, he said that the rubble were already removed in Benito Juárez street, which allows the best operation of machinery and technical staff.

Gámez Murillo indicated that the Calle Industria, Second Private Benito Juárez.

The secretary explained that the red area comprises 11 thousand 136 square meters, the orange zone has an area of 31,719 square meters and the green zone represents 54 thousand 051 square meters.

60 thousand liters of water were distributed in the affected colonies: Segob

For its part, the Secretary of the Interior reported that the Operating System of the Potable Water and Sewerage Services of Puebla (Sopap) distributed 60 thousand liters of water in the colonies that were affected by the suspension of the well called “CFE 1”, samethat returned to its normal operation this Wednesday.

The official said that Ferrosur made the first tour with three cargo wagons to verify the behavior of the train tracks and the area that presented more damage during the explosion of October 31.

Follow Sedif with the support of people affected by the explosion

Meanwhile, the General Director of the Integral Development System of the Family of the State of Puebla (SEDIF), Leonor Vargas Gallegos reported that 56 people remain in the hostel of the “Adolfo López Mateos” Telesecundaria School, and so farDelivered 348 pantries, 300 pieces of clothing, 382 mats and 1,800 bottled waters for the benefit of the population affected by the explosion last Sunday in San Pablo Xochimehuacan.

He also commented that the agency is supporting the people who have their relatives admitted to the General Hospital of the North and the Hospital del Niño Poblano (HNP), as well as 220 people who have approached the aforementioned shelter to the aforementioned shelterbreakfast, another 290 to eat and 250 to dinner.

Vargas Gallegos also announced that the organism has a girl under his protection, who was already discharged from the HNP but that his parents are still hospitalized.Finally, he informed that at the SEDIF collection center so far, 3,378 articles that have been donated by society have been received, which he summoned to continue with the donation of non -perishable foods.

It will travel the City Council of Puebla Inmuebles where Pemex ducts pass: ERP

In his speech, the municipal president of Puebla, Eduardo Rivera Pérez announced that his administration will undertake five actions derived from the fact raised in Xochimehuacan;The first of these is that the City Council will travel real estate (from the northern part of the capital of Poblana) where Pemex ducts pass, in order to notify the owners who are in a risk area and prevent accidents.

The second is that, in coordination with the Ministry of Infrastructure, there will be a housing review;The third, the municipality signed an agreement with public bathrooms for affected settlers to have access to personal toilet;The fourth, the condonation of the property payment to the 128 homes that have the cadastral registry and, five, the opening of a shooting bank in San Jerónimo Caleras, which will receive 90 cubic meters per day of debris from the demolition process.

Start state government works to regularize land: Martínez Benítez

In turn, the Director General of Tenure of the Earth and Population, Lorenzo Martínez Benítez explained that, after the instruction of Governor Miguel Barbosa Huerta, the area in charge began with tours in the affected area of Xochimehuacan to, through aCensus, knowing which properties can be regularized.He recalled that this work is in coordination with the State DIF System, so this day the work will continue to detect more houses that can be creditor to this benefit.

Sedena and National Guard will continue supporting without any limitation: XXV Military Zone

Meanwhile, the commander of the XXV Military Zone, General Gerardo Mérida Sánchez said that the Ministry of National Defense and the National Guard support, without limitations, the works that are carried out in the sinister area.He pointed out that both institutions continue with the removal of rubble and provide security in the affected colonies, as well as in the shelter.

Health reports 14 patients hospitalized in real estate of the state government

Finally, the Secretary of Health, José Antonio Martínez García reiterated that a three -year -old girl was discharged, so the number of patients hospitalized by the explosion descended to 14, of which eight are serious and of them five intubated, while six are delicate.

Of these people, nine are at the General Hospital of the North, three in the traumatology and orthopedics and two in the Pediatric Burning Unit of the Hospital del Niño Poblano.

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