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Before opening the bar, you will have to see if you compensate

By hollisterclothingoutlet 07/10/2022 787 Views
The voice of Galicia
Suscríbete rosa estévezVILAGARCÍA / LA VOZ


Martina Miser

The Safe Hostalar Plan is welcomed with many doubts by the sector;In Vilanova, the City Council takes the reins and organizes in record time the course claimed to the workers

15 sep 2021 . Actualizado a las 05:00 h.WhatsappMailFacebookTwitterComentar ·

The Valle Inclán Auditorium, in Vilanova, will become, today, a training center for the hoteliers of the town.There has organized the City Council, to counterreloj, a double session of the course that must carry out chefs, waiters and responsible for hotel businesses to meet the demands of the safe hostel plan prepared by the Xunta de Galicia.A frame document that will classify community establishments on two levels, under the measures they adopt against COVID-19.In Vilanova, the mayor wants most establishments to reach the highest level, marked with two "cunchiñas", which will allow them19 Asome by the door.The locals who choose to meet lower demands - one shell - will see their options more limited.

To obtain the two shells, Mayor Gonzalo Durán explained to local hoteliers, it will be necessary that the hospitality staff take a four -hour course: today the training day is held, in the morning and afternoon.At the disposal of the personnel there must be FFP2 masks, which in the case of Vilanova will be provided by the City Council, from a lot sent months ago by some Vilanoves from Switzerland.The workers, who will have specific work clothes, must also.For the rest, the locals must have a continuous meter of CO2.

«Antes de abrir la barra habrá que echar cuentas, a ver si compensa»

These are some of the demands raised to be able to open the bar, even if at half a gas, since the distance between customers must be a meter and a half.All this caused that yesterday, in good part of the region, the hoteliers made numbers.«A bar and Moi important;In Condición Normais it could be ATA or 60 % da Caixa, ”explain from the bar to pearl, in Vilagarcía.At Casa Samuel, in Meis, they share the importance of recovering a space that, in this place, has a special prominence.«Cando we renew a big bar;To Xente gives village Gustalle, ”says the head of this premises.

Barras, aforos, horarios: así funciona ahora la hostelería gallega


«Eu this thinking that Vou Faceer.Be that Facer Test, masks and all or demand, in winter.And the same thing other establishments consulted by La Voz, in which they say that «before opening the bar you will have to account, to see if they leave.To me, with three people who would enter the distance, do not give me the numbers ».

Follow the feeling of "improvisation"

The president of Ahituvi, Félix Acuña, returned yesterday to put voice to the bewilderment of the sector before the new scenario and the new demands raised by the Xunta."Improvisation" and "contradictions" were the two words used by the president of the hoteliers of Vilagarcía.Nor understand the meaning of the courses that must be carried out, and that the presiding association plans to organize to give facilities to the partners, nor of so many other requirements that "are required here, while in Madrid nothing is demanded".

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