Feminine fashion

Colors with which you will succeed in a job interview

By hollisterclothingoutlet 02/02/2022 1163 Views

There is one thing that they do not prepare us for at school and that is to be able to face the world of work, because when you are just coming out of university, activities such as social service or professional internships are mixed with a part-time day where you have a muddy professional world.

We have to be very emphatic about something, and it is that it is not the same look that you wear to these activities that you have to wear to your job interview. As much as you love fashion and you are an all-terrain fashionista, you must know that there are occasions for everything and job interviews are an occasion where not only your look will be judged, but also your performance, skills and what will be judged. image you transmit are involved.

If you already have your resume ready and you have already notified the people who will be your references to say the best things about you in case they are marked by the human resources area, take note, because there are colors that will always be a success in any job interview.

Also read: What clothes can not be worn in an office

The color blue

Whether you are a man or a woman, the color blue is always a must in all wardrobes, as it allows us to get out of any situation without the need to spend or think a lot about a look. This color is ideal to reflect the best of vibes and a very positive energy in your interviewer.

If you are a man and you are looking for a job in a very conservative place, a navy blue suit is ideal for you, you can contrast it with a white shirt and a black tie, but if you are a woman, a good dress plus a black jacket is ideal for you, but if you don't feel confident in a dress there are always pants that will help you stylize your figure.

Photos: Zara

The grey color

This color is a great success and it does not matter in the shades you use it, because it will always look good on any occasion, even if it is a job interview. The garments in this color are very combinable and always reflect the adaptation and cleanliness of the person who wears them, choose light colors so that your look looks formal and you do not have the problem of falling into the casual.

If you are a woman you can wear a jumpsuit that makes you look professional or if you are a man you can combine three colors in a single look.

Photos: Zara / Massimo Dutti

the color black

This color can be a two-edged sword, according to the OCCMundial portal, this color is used when the interview is for a managerial, supervisory or CEO position, the reason? The color black has always been linked to elegance, strength and power.

If what you want is to impress your interviewer, it is better that you take with you a black dress that is balanced with small accessories, that do not interrupt the movements of your hands or that are a distraction for whoever interviews you. In the case of men, a black suit is always ideal to look good during interviews.

Photo: Massimo Dutti / Mango

Also read: Nail colors that you should not use for a job interview

The target

This color is more feminine than masculine and the reason is its versatility to combine with other garments, we understand that shirts are always white and this gives a balance to the outfits of the interviewees, but a white dress demonstrates organization and cleanliness.

Photo: Mango

The pink

This color is not recommended for male applicants, but for female applicants looking for a job in hospitals, preschools or educational centers that include children, it is a great success to transmit tenderness to their interviewer. Avoid neon and very bright colors so that you do not give another type of image.

Photo: Zara

Bonus Tips

The OCCMundial portal recommends that we should always invest in certain items that will make a difference when we are in front of an interviewer. In the case of women, you should always have a neutral-colored formal dress, a pair of small earrings and a quality bag that denotes professionalism.

For men, socks, a watch, and a good pair of shoes will make a difference. In addition to the fact that a navy blue or gray suit is always essential and more so when it comes to getting a job.

Do not forget that XL accessories, striking clothes (prints, vibrant colors or current trends) should be left in your closet for a day, why do we tell you? It's so that no one else beats you to the job.

Also, think that your salary is necessary to be able to nourish your wardrobe with the most recent garments that we at De Última always recommend.

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