Baby clothes

Models with disabilities: changing the "face" of beauty

By hollisterclothingoutlet 01/02/2022 1098 Views

The idea of ​​what is considered "attractive" has varied from time to time, but has always had the common denominator of personifying aesthetic perfection in a certain way. But not anymore.

For some years now, the modeling industry has opened up not only to the idea of ​​plus-size and older models, but also to people with disabilities, to show that being beautiful does not imply having the perfect physique, that being different does not make you less attractive and that beauty is something that radiates from within.

Given the increasingly frequent inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of fashion, other commercial brands have begun to adopt the trend of managing a more inclusive image, meet some of them.


The image of the Gerber 2018 baby is the typical child with an angelic face, contagious smile, blonde hair and loving eyes, the only difference is that for the first time in the 91-year history of the brand, the little one suffers from Down syndrome. Lucas Warren, of Dalton, Georgia, was selected from 140,000 entries to represent the popular brand around the world, seeking to increase acceptance of children with special needs.


In 2015, Target launched its October catalog promoting the different Halloween costumes available in its store and did not want to leave out children with disabilities. In the midst of pretty little witches with blonde hair and brown skin, he incorporated a girl with special crutches dressed as Elsa, the favorite princess of boys and girls that year.

Hillary Clinton presidential campaign

In 2016, the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States included in her campaign the deaf activist Nyle DiMarco, a successful model who stood out in the America's Next Top Model competition, and who advocates for the inclusion and acceptance of the deaf community in different scopes. In a silent social media ad, Nyle emphasized the importance of "speak up" to vote in a world where many have no voice.

GAP Kids

In 2014, the clothing brand featured Kayla Kosmalski, a 9-year-old girl with Down syndrome, in a Miami fashion show for the ED line, a collaboration with comedian Ellen Degeneres, featuring 14 child models with disabilities.

disability on the catwalk

Designer Tseday Kebede held a fashion show in Ethiopia incorporating 28 models with different disabilities with clothes perfectly adapted to their needs, something never seen before in that country.

In the world of haute couture there are also beautiful models who have succeeded despite not being considered "perfect" for not having any limbs, such as the singer and model Viktoria Modesta, originally from Latvia, who due to medical negligence in her childhood he grew up with extreme pain in his left leg, which he finally decided to voluntarily amputate in 2007.

Rebekah Marine was born without a forearm and has a bionic prosthesis, which hasn't stopped her from dazzling on the catwalks of New York Fashion Week.

For her part, Shaholly Ayers, who lost her left arm as a child, sometimes doesn't even wear prosthetics and is the face of brands like Nordstrom and models on sexy men's magazine covers.

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