Feminine fashion

Does the Covid vaccine influence the menstrual cycle?

By hollisterclothingoutlet 28/03/2023 766 Views

According to a study published in 'Nature Communications', only 4% of the studies carried out on vaccines make explicit reference to the sex variant. However, thousands of women report having noticed changes in their menstrual cycles after being vaccinated against Covid-19, although the European Medicines Agency indicates that no links have been found between vaccines and menstrual disorders.

“There is currently no evidence to suggest a causal relationship between menstrual disorders and vaccination with Comirnaty, Spikevax or Vaxzevria. These disorders are very common in the general population and can sometimes occur without any underlying disease in women, such as in situations of stress or fatigue, or also due to other diseases such as fibroids or endometriosis. With these words published in the Seventh Pharmacovigilance Report on COVID-19 Vaccines, many consider the dilemma of whether or not the vaccine affects our menstrual cycle settled.

So many people had noticed disorders in their menstruation after receiving the vaccine, that the midwife Laura Baena launched the Eva Project, with which, through a survey, she tried to find out the percentage of women who had received the vaccine affected her menstrual cycle. “If we find an association between the vaccine and certain menstrual disorders (because we are investigating it), there is no need to get nervous, really. That here we are not going against the vaccine, far from it. We are in favor of reporting everything that may affect people who have or have had menstruation in their life, more than anything so that they are not scared and go to the consultation, where unfortunately there is the possibility, sometimes, of being ridiculed without having evidence that what they are perceiving is due to stress, as any female disorder tends to justify”, writes Laura in her networks before the publication in a newspaper that clearly indicates that there are no links between the vaccine and the period .

“It is quite striking that thousands of women have undergone changes and alterations right after the administration of the vaccine... But I think we should study this phenomenon further to find a solution. And not only in the short term, but in the long term”, says Paloma Alma, founder & CEO of the CYCLO project.

The pedagogue and menstrual activist, and creator of the social network soy1soy4.com, Erika Irusta R., also gives us her opinion: “There are different types of vaccine, and research is underway to find out how it alters or not each one of them. they our cycle. It is vital that research such as the one proposed by the University of Granada continue to be carried out, based on the effects of vaccination against SARS COV-2 on the menstrual cycle of women of childbearing age. Although it is of course important to know if it affects the vaccine, what I consider essential is that pharmaceutical companies understand the menstrual cycle as a vital sign to study and include among the possible side effects. The American Obstetrics and Gynecology Association, thanks to the work of menstrual activists and health professionals around menstrual and reproductive rights, understood menstruation years ago as the fifth sign of vital health.”

The sexist bias of medicine

Does the Covid vaccine affect the menstrual cycle?

When four years ago Professor Esteban Jódar, head of the department of endocrinology and nutrition at the Quirón Salud Pozuelo, Ruber Juan Bravo and San José hospitals, asked aloud at a press conference if medicine treats women worse, the machismo that plagues the world of medicine was put on the table. Jódar assured that, despite not having the feeling of practicing a macho medicine, "when you see the data, there is something of that." Given the expert's words, we asked Pilar Ruiz, Intimina's Marketing and Communications Manager, her opinion on the matter. “Although more than half of the country's population are women, today women's health remains in the background in the field of medicine, still being a very unknown topic among society. This taboo is accentuated if we talk about intimate health. In this sense, there are still few studies that take menstrual physiology into account. Additionally, in many clinical trials, especially those related to cardiovascular diseases, women are under-represented, since pregnant women and women of childbearing age are usually excluded from this type of study because they are a vulnerable population, which encourages the existence of a lack of data regarding the impact of medicines or vaccines in this sector of the population”.

What is highlighted is that the menstrual cycle is often not taken into account in drug studies as a vital sign. "It only occurs in those related to conception, but it seems that it is not considered to be a sign of health for any other medication or disease. An alteration in the cycle without justification can be an alarm signal that something in our body It is not good. I think that thanks to the increase in female professionals in the field of medicine and research, this is beginning to change and it is already noticeable", declares Paloma Alma, founder & CEO of the CYCLO project.

The importance of knowing our cycle

When thousands of women began to notice alterations in their menstrual cycles as a result of the vaccine, many realized a painful reality. Until then, they had never paid special attention to such an important issue for women's health. The pedagogue and menstrual activist Erika Irusta R. does not hesitate to emphasize the importance of doing so: "It is essential that we realize the value of observing our cycle so that when something happens, such as vaccination, we can offer real data on whether it really we see changes. We must not only leave research to scientists, but we must practice it from our own panties. In order to provide this information, we have to have previous data and see what other things are influencing our cycle in order to rule out that situations such as precariousness, impossible times or stress are responsible for the impact on the way in which we live our life. menstruation. It is also important to assess the persistence of these side effects, such as taking into account if they last only one cycle or how many, and for this we need to have a literacy in our menstruation. We must not be alarmist, but we must understand that science is also practiced at home and in collaboration with the researchers”.

But, is it really that important to have a self-knowledge of our rules, as well as to keep track of our menstrual cycle? "Without a doubt, since this also allows us to identify possible changes and alterations that may be indicators that something is not going well," says Pilar Ruiz, Intimina's Marketing and Communications Manager for Spain and Portugal.

Erika is in charge of putting the finishing touch to the talk. “It is important to emphasize that the vaccine is a collective responsibility, we must start from the fact that most of us are not scientists, so we must trust that we are trying to do things as best as possible in a critical situation like the one we are facing. occupies. Collective responsibility invites that in situations like this, the urgent exceeds the important. The message is clear: getting vaccinated is essential.”

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