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Have you got a common wart? Eliminate it with this simple trick

By hollisterclothingoutlet 26/11/2022 636 Views


These warts appear as a result of an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV)

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It is possible that one day you wake up and see in some area of ​​your body a strange entity that had not appeared before: a wart has grown. This is a bump that appears on the skin, most commonly on the hands, but it can appear anywhere on the body. They are usually accompanied by some black dots, which are blood vessels with coagulated blood, and beyond causing a serious health problem, often it is more damaging in a purely aesthetic sense.

These warts appear as a result of a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. However, our body's immune system usually defeats it before it causes the proliferation of a wart. They usually appear by direct or indirect contact through clothing. "In most cases, contagion occurs through casual skin contact or through shared objects, such as towels or cloths," explains Dr. Stephanie Patricia Barbeito Pagliuca, member of the Dermatology Working Group of the Spanish General Practitioners and de Familia (SEMG), in an interview with Infosalus.

It is not a strange appearance, since it is estimated that it affects a percentage of the general population between 7 and 19. There are some factors that favor the appearance of these warts, such as the habit of biting the nails, since that "can encourage warts to spread to the tips of the fingers and around the nails", according to Dr. Berbeito. In any case, they are not usually harmful to health and end up disappearing on their own after time.

Types of warts

Get a common wart? Eliminate it with this simple trick

There is no single type of wart. Depending on their typology, they can be more annoying or less: vulgar, plantar, flat and genital.

How to remove warts?

There is a simple and effective trick that will help you get rid of annoying warts. Take note of it: you only need apple cider vinegar, cotton and adhesive tape. Dip the cotton in apple cider vinegar and wring it out so it doesn't drip. Place it on the wart at night, before you go to sleep, and secure it with tape. In this way, it will take effect all night.

The next morning, all you have to do is rinse the wart and you're done. Repeat the process every three days and you will see how the surface becomes darker until it falls off on its own.

This information does not replace in any case the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in case of illness and never self-medicate. Also read

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