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It is better to receive: 7 places to make donations

By hollisterclothingoutlet 10/08/2022 705 Views

Si como buen chilango te portaste mal este año y quieres redimirte para ver si Santa o los Reyes Magos se acuerdan de ti, la mejor opción será hacer altruismo, pero es probable que no sepas dónde donar o qué hacer para ayudar a quienes lo necesitan.Es mejor dar que recibir: 7 lugares para hacer donaciones Es mejor dar que recibir: 7 lugares para hacer donaciones

To achieve your mission it will be better for you to remember when you studied only one night before the exam and passed, even if it's from Panzazo, the test.

Next we share a list of places to donate clothes that you no longer use but that is in good condition, money for good causes, food and even the option of adopting a plant, so it takes paper and pencil.

Where to donate clothes in good condition

Our closet is a funk hole in which there are garments that we did not know that we had or that we no longer have, but that are in good condition and it is best to donate them to those who need them the most.

The lodge United Parec.To make the donation, they will thank you.

If you want more data you can mark at 55560841.

Friendship House

Childhood cancer is one of the main causes of death in Mexico and it will always be a good act to help fight this condition.

The House of Friendship has been helping children and young people who suffer from this disease for 27 years, so it is important to lend their hand.

Es mejor dar que recibir: 7 lugares para hacer donaciones

To help you have several options: you can contribute through a bank deposit, become a guardian angel through a monthly donation, donate in kind or buy in your second -hand stores.

For more information, visit your page.

Brigade friends

There are still affected by last September earthquakes that need your help and, if you want to put your grain of sand, you can do it with the friends brigade.

This group is made up of the parents of some children who deceased at the Rébsamen school and offer help to affected communities through free medical consultations, medicines, donation of food, and activities for children, among other things.

In addition, you can donate pantries, toys that do not occupy batteries, books for children, blankets, antibiotics, analgesics, non -steroidal anti -inflammatories, oral hypoglycemic, antihypertensive, antigripales and medicines for gastroenterology.

If you are a doctor, psychologist or want to support the brigades as a volunteer, you can also do it.

The easiest way to contact them is through your Facebook profile.

Donate blood

This is one of the noblest altruistic acts.To do so you need only will, good vibrates and get away from your crazy life a little so that you are in conditions.

Before you go to any of the donation centers of the Mexican Red Cross, we recommend you consult the requirements to be considered, to avoid misinformation.

The advantage of being a donor is that in case of needing blood for you or your relatives, the Red Cross supports altruistic donors.Remember that your donation can save many lives.If you need more information, you can enter this website.

Invite coffee

The pending coffee initiative was born in Naples, Italy, in 2008 and five years later he reached the CDMX.

The trick is that you go to a participating cafeteria, pay your drink and one or more.You will take the one you paid and the rest will remain "pending" and will give them to those who cannot pay for a coffee.

To know what coffee shops participate in this initiative, all you should do is find the pending coffee logo at the entrance.

The best thing about this is that not only establishments in the CDMX participate, but there are more than 900 shops throughout the country that have joined this cause.

For more information, look for them on Facebook.

Where to donate croquettes

Omeyocan is a temporary shelter for dogs and cats of all ages as abandonment, torture, disease and abuse, so this is a good place if you are looking for where to donate, since there are currently more than 500 animals waiting to be adopted.

Do not worry if you cannot adopt a pet, you can also take your donation in kind to any of the Chilangos parks where representatives of the shelter meet.

For more information, visit your Facebook.

If you want to know the list of articles to donate, you can do it here.

Adopt a plant

The adoption of Mexican plants in danger of extinction is a project that aims to promote awareness about the importance of plant diversity and its conservation.

To get mom or dad Luchón of one of the 60 species at risk of extinction, you need to go to the adoption center that is located in the Ib-unam Botanical Garden store, in the University City, identify the plants marked with the logo of the center ofAdoption, fill your form and cover a recovery fee.

In return, they will give you a certificate and a care instructive.

If you need more data, you can check your page.

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