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News: emotional hospital farewell to nurse Marcelo Ramírez Salas • San Juan de Dios Hospital - San Fernando

By hollisterclothingoutlet 10/10/2022 704 Views

During the midday of this Monday, there was an emotional moment in our San Fernando Hospital, since after the sound of the Samu and Hospital ambulances, the professional Marcelo Ramírez Salas was fired (Q.AND.P.D.), nurse of the Samu San Fernando base who died Saturday afternoon.

ANDl “último adiós” fue el que recibió el querido enfermero de parte de sus compañeros de labores de la Base SAMU, además de gran parte de la comunidad hospitalaria, quienes se apostaron a las afueras del estacionamiento del Servicio de Urgencia Respiratoria.He received the applause from all present, in addition to the signs of affection and condolences towards his family that accompanied Marcelo in his pace, who visibly excitedly thanked the enormous gesture of all health personnel.

The Mass for the eternal rest of his soul was in the parish Las Carmelitas de San Fernando, later the courtship had its passage through our hospital to finally, its funerals developed in the Parque cemetery.

Noticia: ANDmotiva despedida hospitalaria para enfermero Marcelo Ramírez Salas • Hospital San Juan de Dios - San Fernando

As San Fernando Hospital, we want to thank the work that Marcelo did in his role as a Samu nurse, with a unique charism with a vocation of full service.Rest in peace, friend.

Pagina Vista:3529ANDscrito por: MAURICIO ALANDJANDRO ORTANDGA ROJAS 2021-12-13 16:26:51

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