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Opinion |Benidorm Fest was in the fierce

By hollisterclothingoutlet 25/02/2023 604 Views

Benidorm Fest was going to be many things and, in the end, it was the usual.A wonderful action, but we have already seen and all the proposals that supposed a claim were remote.Neither Tanxugueiras, claimed a tongue and its own folkore and a elimination of the fonteras, nor Rigoberta Bandini asking for a tribute to mothers and tits.Neither of the two favorites won in Benidorm.However, in Zaragoza it was something else, with several rigobetas and several tanxugueiras uploading to the stage.

Feminism was expected in Benidorm, but was finally in the fierce, where no one was scared of our tits, but were held in style. Lo dijo Javier Jaén, el diseñador del cartel de Madres Paralelas, que al recoger su premio se acordó de la censura que Instagram le hizo a su diseño, un pezon que llora, y dejó claro que en redes sociales todavía temen nuestros tetas.They threatened to teach them Ane Gabarain and Elena Irureta, who showed that with more than 60 they can be what they want: Indiana Jones, superheroines, mothers courage and even steal a prize gala.

And if Benidorm opted for the safe, for what is already known.For the proven formula.The fierce did something similar to their prizes to the favorites, but here there was a victory for the Rigoberta Bandini of Spanish cinema, a Petra Martinez who has fought for all from a young age.He did until when democracy did not exist.She talked about satisfying, masturbation, sex in old age, and did it by putting a whole room standing.Rigoberta did not win, but in Petra's fierce there is some moral victory.

Opinión | El Benidorm Fest estaba en los Feroz

All the fierce of women has covered perhaps that the awards have voted the most conventional, the obvious.Two round, important and influential films such as Maixabel, the drama about the reconciliation in Euskadi, and the good employer, a perfect comedy about the world of work in times where the labor reform of the PP still prevails, although we hope that for a short time.Films that have already won in the Forqué and that will predictably win again in the Goya.Impeccable films, but perhaps the fierce were the awards that should be unmarked from the rest and claim more peripheral and radical proposals.

In the gala he did not win the white speech of Chanel, but that of our tanxugueiras was heard, and not only because among the guests there were Yolanda Díaz, at a table that gathered the vice president and minister of labor with Miquel Icetapolitics of all parties: PP, PSOE, Citizens and Podemos.Also in presenters talking about why Vox cannot be criticized in television, the precariousness of industry and journalism.

But if there is someone fierce, that is you, Cecilia Bartolomé.Maybe your name does not sound.It is normal, Francoism took care that they did not know her and the transition failed again. No recuperó su voz y se sintió amenazada por su retrato de aquel periodo en el documental Después de.Now that it seems to be fashionable to say that they have canceled you, while you open international newspapers, you have columns and auditoriums from all over Spain open the doors for concerts, maybe it should be understood what it means to cancel you.

La cancelación es que intentaran destruir tu trabajo de fin de curso, un musical sobre el divorcio y la liberación de la mujer que fue Margarita y el lobo, su primera película.Cancel is that censorship prohibits you from working for five years.Cancel is that nobody wants to pay your movies.Cancel is that during the few decades a few have made a retrospective of your cinema, scarce for all the barriers that you have had to overcome, but essential, while you have been a pioneer of Spanish cinema, along with Josefina Molina.

That is that they cancel you, not that on Twitter they put you to give birth.Hopefully this award serves as the films of Cecilia Bartolomé, who toured all of Spain to show that the transition was leaving out, which spoke of Spanish colonialism in Africa and defended the freedom of women with humor.Cecilia says that the only thing he thinks they don't forgive him is that he was funny.His films are.They invite laughter, party and take the city, as Rigoberta asks us, with which it is already a hymn for all of us.

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