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What happens to the deputies?Now one semi -naked

By hollisterclothingoutlet 19/08/2022 776 Views

They say that pandemic has disrupted the life of a good part of humanity, if not all.This rank also includes parliamentarians, who went from their quiet face -to -face sessions to the debates via Zoom.The problem is that many of them do not seem to adapt to the problems involved in the use of these technologies and usually forget to turn off microphones and/or cameras, being exposed to situations that are often little noble.

The last case has as its protagonist the honorable Paraguay.Then he stands up and turns his back momentarily to the camera, giving the impression that he doesn't really have anything on.The scene was quickly shared in WhatsApp chains and social networks.

"I had stained my shirt with Tereré, so I took it out.I forgot that I was without a shirt and that the camera was activated, it was a matter of a second.Then I get up, take the shirt and that was what happened.Anyway, I present my apologies to the citizens, because it was a neglect, ”said the parliamentarian to the ABC newspaper.On Radio 1080 AM, he reiterated that he only removed his shirt."I am a man who takes care of details, I never neglected.".

Cases to give away

¿Qué les pasa a los diputados? Ahora uno sesionó semidesnudo

Apparently, the Paraguayan Parliament already has tradition in these matters.In June, deputy Jorge Antonio Brítez took off his shirt to protest against the helpless of the inhabitants of Alto Paraná, who live with the minimum.Much of his speech did it with a naked torso.However, the most remembered episode of recent months occurred in Argentina, where on September 24 the Kirchner deputy Juan Emilio Ameri reached international fame when he was captured by his camera during a session kissing his partner's breasts.

"I'm very bad, the truth is that.I am desolate, this should not have happened to me, ”said Ameri, that that same night presented his resignation to office.He explained that he just wanted to know how an operation had been left."Here I have a frightful sign that comes and comes.I was disconnected, without a camera, ”tried to justify Ameri.

Chile's Parliament has had similar episodes.For example, right -wing senator Jacqueline Van Rysselberghe participated in the telematics session of March 28, 2020 and voted lying on her bed drinking a glass of wine, as evidenced during the official transmission of the Senate Canal.There is another case: on August 22, the right -wing senator Francisco Chahuán voted while he was in a vehicle, something that is not allowed.To simulate, the parliamentarian used a false background, but was discovered and excused himself saying that his advisors were not with him.

Another case was starring independent deputy Pepe Auth, who during a September 25 session said he committed a crime: he took the votes of his partner and mother -in -law, both Italians, and he voted instead of them in the elections of that European country."It's an illegal fact, but I'm with jurisdiction," he said.The Italy Embassy reacted with stupefaction.

DZC (ABC, all news, the nation)

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