Feminine fashion

What will purchases look like in the future?

By hollisterclothingoutlet 25/05/2022 889 Views
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Female talent

Lidera la práctica en la industria de moda en una de las empresas de consultoría estratégica más importantes del mundo, Accenture. Además, Coro Saldaña, donostiarra formada en Derecho en la Universidad de Deusto, promueve el emprendimiento femenino y el papel de la mujer en ámbitos digitales. ¿Cómo serán las compras en el futuro? ¿Cómo serán las compras en el futuro?

Women in Tech Spain is one of the initiatives in which she is involved, and she plays an important role as a mentor Startup from various networks. In 2017, he launched, together with the University of Navarra, Atelier, a program to accelerate Startup with personalized mentoring and then integrate them into the main fashion companies in Spain.

¿Cómo serán las compras en el futuro?

This entire curriculum supports Saldaña as one of the most accredited voices to talk to us about the future, as uncertain as it is changing, of the world of fashion, and above all, how it will change consumption habits. The first forecasts predicted by 2020 a 40% drop with losses of between 6 and 7 billion euros. But the reality is different. This crisis, far from implying a loss of interest in the sector, is a great opportunity for change. A perfect reset.

Coro Saldaña lleva vestido de Zara y anillo de Aristocrazy.© Fotografía: Mirta Rojo. ESTILISMO: ANA CASASNOVAS.

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