Baby clothes

A 100% Bejarano baby who came into the world at home with the help of his father

By hollisterclothingoutlet 27/12/2022 636 Views

It was a normal day in the life of the Hernández Cebriano family, who impatiently awaited the arrival of their third son, Jesús. The family took a walk to the Sacred Heart monument and had an early dinner to retire to rest without thinking that that night would be unforgettable.

Noelia Cebriano started having contractions at night and took a shower to go to the hospital, but she barely had time to spare. She notified her husband, David Hernández, a nurse by profession, that he had very frequent contractions and a great desire to push. Of course little Jesus wanted to be born and he didn't even wait to get to the hospital.

David explains that the interval of contractions "was going down to eight minutes and that's when we knew we had to notify 112", but he didn't give time for more.

A 100% Bejarano baby who came to the world at home with the help of his father

When Noelia lay down on the bed, the head of little Jesus was already sticking out. Despite being a nurse, David had no previous experience in childbirth, so he decided to follow the instructions he received from the 112 service via telephone and trust his theoretical knowledge because "you know the theory but you have to see yourself in the situation" , Explain.

Over the phone, they told her that, after sticking her head out, it is necessary to turn the baby so that one shoulder sticks out and then the other, and she did so. David strictly complied with the instructions and managed to welcome his third child, who was born somewhat weak due to being premature.

After the delivery, the doctor arrived and the two were transferred to Salamanca to undergo the corresponding medical examination and receive the necessary care. In the capital they will gather strength until they are discharged and return to Béjar, little David's hometown, the same as his father's, who was also born at home.

For the Hernández family, well-known in Béjar, it is a source of pride to have a baby “who is from Bejarano because he was born in their house”, explains the proud father.

In addition, she happily comments that her siblings Lucía and David “have been lucky enough to see their newborn brother and verify that their mother was fine after the delivery at home.” It has also been an unforgettable experience for David because "I helped my son be born" of which the little boy's brother is very proud.

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