Baby clothes

Argentina: Hemp for clothing by Stay True Organic

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/01/2023 615 Views

✍ November 9, 2021 - 07:12

Stay True Organic is a brand that elaborates and sells clothing based on hemp and organic cotton under a logic of environmental care.Its founder, Martín Alonso, first imported finished products.Now, in association with other entrepreneurs and producers interested in the benefits of hemp, they import from India the wholesale raw material to transform it into the country into towels, diapers, shirts, dresses and baby clothes.

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"We started importing the products.People hooked and asked for the fabric to sell.But we couldn't do it because we were oriented to a certain amount of products, ”Alonso to industry cannabis told.“Then we assemble it associatively and made a global purchase.We import the yarns of India to finish generating the fabric in Argentina, so that each producer, project or company does the product they want, ”he added.

The Iteva fabric factory took care of the processing to obtain the fifty rolls for about thirty different producers.Is that among the multiple industrial uses of the hemp plant, one of the oldest is the elaboration of textile products.From its stem one of the strongest and most durable fibers is obtained for the production of textiles and also of ropes, strings, paper, moldings and carpets, among others.

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Another of the main hemp qualities is that it is a crop that allows ecological production.This is because it absorbs during its growth contaminating gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, such as carbon dioxide.In turn, it works as a cotton substitute, the culture most used by the textile industry and one of the most pollutants.

“Argentina has around 500 thousand hectares sown with cotton, which is exclusively polluting;more everything that is done of polyester, whose synthetic fibers derived from oil also pollute.So, whatever we do to respect nature and improve soils, welcome be.And hemp has a spectacular future in that regard, ”said Alonso.

The context in Argentina

In Argentina, hemp culture has been prohibited since 1977 by decree-law 21.671 of the last dictatorship.Within the framework of a worldwide prohibitionist crusade, this regulation considers all varieties of cannabis sativa l, including industrial hemp without THC, as a narcotic.

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Currently, the Chamber of Deputies must deal with the bill that has half a sanction of the Senate to regulate the medical cannabis industry and hemp.The objective of the regulations is to provide a regulatory framework for public and private investment throughout the medical cannabis chain.In addition, it seeks to complement the current legislation, Law 27.350, which authorizes the therapeutic and palliative use of cannabis.In the case of industrial hemp, he aims to legalize productive links, marketing and their by -products.

The economic potential for the development of medical cannabis activity and industrial hemp by 2025 is projected in 10.000 new jobs (high percentage at R&D D+I), USD 500 million in annual USD and USD 50 million sales sales, according to data from the Ministry of Productive Development.

Via industry cannabis, edited by the approach.

Photo by Agto Nugroho via Unspash

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