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Another epidemic: confinement resulted in violence against 53% of minors in Mexico

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/01/2023 577 Views

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF, for its acronym in English) warned that in Mexico violence against children during confinement by the Covid-19 Pandemia has left “a hard reality”.

An international body study indicates that “52.8 percent of girls, boys and adolescents between 1 and 14 have experienced violent discipline methods (manazos, buttocks) in their homes, which has left serious sequelae for their development ”.

He informed that even until December 2020, 21 women and 15 girls and boys stayed in Hotels from Posadas Group - as part of an agreement - to escape the punishments that live in their homes.

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He explained that “UNICEF, together with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), achieved a public-private alliance between the Government of Mexico and the hotel sector so that women and their daughters and sons who are victims of violence have theOpportunity to stay temporarily and free of charge in hotels, while responsible government authorities identify a shelter or support network where they can remain in safe conditions for longer ”.

“This alliance allowed Hotels of the Posadas group to provide safe and free accommodation in 13 cities in the country and for this 216 employees of this chain and personnel of the government institutions involved received training on how to channel and receive in the hotels the survivors of violence,as well as identifying their needs and referring to the corresponding authorities the attention of their cases, ”he said.

Otra epidemia: confinamiento derivó en violencia contra 53% de menores en México

In addition, as part of the strategy, "psychological attention was provided to women and their sons and daughters who were users of the accommodation, as well as the hotels staff, in order to contribute to the management of their emotions".

Kits were also delivered with clothing, personal and hygiene items for women and girls, boys, adolescents and babies “so that they have the minimum inputs to move forward.Until December 2020, around 21 women and 15 girls and boys stayed in these hotels, escaping violence against them and finding a safe and worthy place to protect and recover ”.

By 2021 "it is contemplated to include other companies in this sector to expand attention coverage," they anticipate.

He states that “in order to attend, but above all, any case of violence against children and adolescents, it is essential that the government has a solid protection system and trained personnel that can detect, attend or timely channel the cases of cases ofViolence against children and adolescents ".

In advance, UNICEF reported that "in collaboration with the National DIF System, a comprehensive strategy for the strengthening of capacities and professionalization of the personnel working in the childhood protection systems of the different government orders" began already..

It is for that reason that - he explains - in 2020 from UNICEF, with the support of other United Nations agencies in Mexico, “technical advice was provided and a series of reforms were promoted to the Federal Congress to prohibit corporal and humiliating punishment against girls against girls, children and adolescents as a method of parenting or children.

The strategy includes - adds - “the identification and determination of skills and key knowledge to prevent violence, abuse, exploitation, negligence and unnecessary family separation of children and adolescents, as well as the development of a training curriculum, training and development of various materials and tools to promote staff certification ”.

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