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Arrested without the right to bail after the death of the girl Melissa Ortega

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Warning Vestisement by Megan Crepeauchicago Tribune |Jan 27, 2022at2: 27 pm

A 16 -year -old teenager who was on probation opened fire in a busy street after witnessThe girl crossed the street with her mother, said Cook County Prosecutors in the Court on Thursday.

Then Emilio Corripio, a teenager who, according to prosecutors, is a self -admitted member of the Latin Kings, returned to the car driven by Xavier Guzmán, 27, and both went to buy sandwiches and drinks without"importing them the world"Said Deputy State Prosecutor James Murphy.


Both Corripio and Guzmán were accused of murder and on Thursday Judge Susana Ortiz ordered her arrest without the right to bond.

Corripio was on intensive youth probation after declaring himself guilty of two car theft and possession of a stolen motor vehicle, Murphy said.He was accused as an adult.


Guzmán, an off -service taxi driver, picked up Corripio in his taxi on the afternoon of January 22 and led, Murphy said.When they saw two people in the corner of the 26th St., and Komensky Ave., showing signs of the Two-Six gang, Guzmán led to a near alley and stopped the car while Corripio left, Murphy said.

Shot multiple shots, reaching one of the rival gang members on the back.A man and his 9-year-old daughter were in a nearby car waiting for the Two-Six gang members to leave the area to get out of his car, Murphy said.His car was hit by Corripio bullets.

And Melissa, 8, who crossed the street of her mother's hand, was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

"The life of this 8 -year -old girl ended due to the nonsense of gang.

While the attacker was captured on video, his face is not clearly visible in the images, Murphy said.However, there is a video that captures the taxi driving through the city after the shooting, and approximately half an hour later, Guzmán and Corripio entered a subway restaurant to ask for sandwiches.The restaurant video clearly shows Corripio's face, who wears the same clothes as the attacker, Murphy said.Corripio's face can also be seen clearly in the images of a gas station where they bought drinks after the shooting, Murphy said.

"I emphasize the total contempt for human life and insensitivity that these two defendants showed during these events," Murphy said."...After shooting that girl in the head, what do they do? They drive up to a subway to buy sandwiches.In the video they show no interest in the world, they laugh, and eat their sandwiches."

Detenidos sin derecho a fianza tras la muerte de la niña Melissa Ortega

A large part of the events before, during and after the shooting they were captured in video, said Murphy, and the GPS in the Guzman car cabb.You can see Corripio with dark jacket and mask, take out a gun and shoot, and moving as he continued shooting, Murphy said.

The rival gang member was shot in the back and managed to run to a nearby building with his companion.The 9 -year -old girl and her father were not injured, but her car received several bullet impacts, Murphy said.

"Este padre hizo todo lo que pudo al reconocer la actividad de las pandillas… tratando de mantenerla a salvo permaneciendo en el auto"Murphy said.

And Melissa Ortega, with a pink hat, held her mother's hand as she walked east.When Pulasski RD crossed and heard shots, Melissa turned their heads to look back and began jogging away from the shots, Murphy said.

But one of Corripio's bullets wounded Melissa in the head and fell to the ground at the corner of the 26th St., and Pulasski RD.Murphy said.

Guzmán y Corripio se mantuvieron en el taxi por un rato después del tiroteo, incluyendo su parada a Subway y a la gasolineraMurphy said.They also went through the shooting scene that afternoon, and even went through the altar in Melissa's memory at midnight, Murphy added.


La policía vigiló el taxi de Guzmán y lo puso bajo custodiaMurphy said. Encontraron una pistola en la puerta del lado del conductor del taxi, y las pruebas mostraron que los cartuchos recuperados de la escena del tiroteo provenían de esa pistolaMurphy said.The fingerprint of Corripio was also found in the door of the passenger side, according to Murphy. Guzmán le dijo a la policía que estaba en el área en el momento del tiroteo y dijo que Corripio, a quien identificó por su apodo, usó su armaMurphy said.

El teléfono celular de Guzmán fue registrado y mostró que se había estado comunicando con CorripioMurphy said.

Corripio fue arrestado después de que agentes de la ley que estaban familiarizados con él lo identificaran a partir de imágenes fijas del videoMurphy said.

Corripio was arrested and accused as a minor in relation to three different car theft last year, Murphy said. En varios puntos mientras los casos estaban pendientes, fue puesto en vigilancia electrónica, toque de queda y puesto bajo custodiaMurphy said.

El adolescente se declaró delincuente en octubre por secuestro vehicular agravado en dos de los casos y posesión de un vehículo motorizado robado en el tercer casoMurphy said. En diciembre, fue sentenciado a tres años de libertad condicional en uno de los casos de robo de auto y los otros dos casos fueron cerradosMurphy said. Su primer año en libertad condicional es con Intensive Probation Services, que tiene como objetivo brindar más contacto y"supervisión estructurada" a los jóvenes considerados de alto riesgo.

Public defender's assistant Chris Anderson, who represented both defendants on Thursday, hinted that the TWO-Six gang member should be considered responsible for Melissa's death, since he showed signs of the gang, which caused the shooting.

"Una de las víctimas (del tiroteo) instigó un acto mafioso… sería culpable si ocurriese una muerte o si alguien resultara herido", dijo Anderson.

It is only argued that Guzmán was the driver, Anderson said, and there is little evidence that Guzman helped corrupted before or during the shooting. Transportar a alguien a algún lugar"no hace que el conductor sea culpable de nada", dijo.

Guzmán is a high school graduate and lives with his grandmother, Anderson said.

Records show that Guzmán has a drug arrest history, but none that has resulted in condemnations.


Anderson also said Thursday that Corripio is in Onceavo Grade, plays football and lives with his parents.


At the Press Conference on Wednesday where the charges were announced, Cook County State Prosecutor, Kim Foxx, was asked if the adolescent was a repeat offender.Foxx's office and the Judiciary have been blamed by Mayor Lori Lightfoot and police leaders for the low bonds and cases of cases that quickly returned to alleged violent criminals to the street.

Foxx said it is not a new phenomenon to see a teenager to be arrested with an adult with a gun and pointed out the young man of the shooter.

"Tenemos que poder tener, como dijo la alcaldesa, un enfoque de toda la ciudad para lidiar con el hecho de que los jóvenes no podrán ser encarcelados por el resto de sus vidas", dijo Foxx."Entonces, cuando salgan del sistema de justicia penal, podrán tener algunas medidas de apoyo para lidiar con eso.Because we are seeing people go out and recidivate. Eso no es exclusivo de esta situación".

She added that young criminals need support and comprehensive services to prevent crime.

"Es increíblemente frustrante porque también es previsible", dijo Foxx."Si no tenemos recursos y salidas para los jóvenes que están involucrados, ya sea que formen parte del sistema de justicia penal o no, seguiremos viendo cosas como esta".

In the same press conference that announced the charges on Wednesday, Pastor Matt Demateo of New Life Community Church, who has been helping Melissa's mother, Aracelia Leanos, shared a statement in her name.

"Dios ganó un ángel… siempre recordaré su sonrisa contagiosa", decía la declaración de Leanos.

"Al agresor.I forgive you.You were also a victim.At 16, the community failed you, just as it failed my beautiful baby...Words cannot describe the pain I feel.On January 22 I lost my biggest treasure in life.I lost my princess. Ella era la razón por la que me levantaba todas las mañanas".

La familia de Leanos estaba"llena de sueños" y tenía"grandes aspiraciones" cuando se mudaron a Estados Unidos, dijo la madre."Nos imaginamos una vida mejor aquí. Vinimos en busca del Sueño Americano del que tan famosamente escuchamos, pero en lugar de eso, tengo que vivir una pesadilla por el resto de mi vida".

Lead us that Melissa's death has not been in vain and that the community is also filled with sadness and anger.

"¿Cómo es posible que una niña muera a plena luz del día? ¿Cómo es posible que podamos enviar hombres a Marte pero no podamos arreglar la violencia armada en nuestra ciudad? Dice su declaración.

The reporter of the Tribune Stephanie Casanova contributed to this story

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This text was translated by Leticia Espinosa/TCA

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