Baby clothes

They find four cold -dead migrants after trying to cross the border from Canada to the US.

By hollisterclothingoutlet 05/02/2023 655 Views

The Canadian police found the bodies of four people killed by hypothermia on the border of Canada, after a failed attempt to cross to the United States in the middle of a snowstorm, reports ABC News.

The agents found the bodies of a man, a woman and a baby, partially buried in the snow.In addition, a young man, who seemed to be a teenager, was found near.The victims could not resist the strong winds and low temperatures in the area, which had recently fallen to -35 degrees Celsius.

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The US authorities alerted the Canada Police after arresting a group of five Indian citizens south of the border.The migrants explained that they had crossed and expected someone to pick them up.After taking more than 11 hours walking, everyone found themselves exhausted and two of them were seriously injured, so they were transferred to a hospital, according to the statement.

Hallan cuatro migrantes muertos de frío tras intentar cruzar la frontera desde Canadá hacia EE.UU.

Migrants wore articles for child use, but did not have any baby.Before the questions of the police, one of the detainees explained that they had a whole backpack loaded with toys, medications, clothing and diapers for a family of four people who had separated during the night.

From these data, the Canadian officers began the tracking of the area and found the four deaths about ten meters from the border.Although the search lasted all night and continued the next day, no traces of other individuals were detected.

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Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the American border patrol agents arrested in a rural area between the states of Minnesota and Dakota del Norte, near the border with Canada, a man who led a van with two undocumented passengers of Indian origin of Indian origin.Steve Shand, Native to Florida (USA.UU.), he was accused of people traffic.

According to the statement, the American arrested.

"It is an absolute and heartbreaking tragedy," said Jane Maclatchy, associate inspector of the Canadian police and added that, although migrants wore winter clothes, that would not have been enough to protect them from the extreme climatic conditions."These victims not only faced the cold, but also to the endless fields, large blisters and total darkness," Maclatchy concluded.

Steve Shand remains in police custody.The US authorities allege in the judicial documents that man had probably organized other illegal crosses on the border.

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