Baby clothes

Guide to 10 Useful Gifts for New Parents

By hollisterclothingoutlet 22/04/2022 919 Views
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  2. Babies and children
  3. baby trousseau
'What do you want us to give you' is one of the first phrases that 'new parents' usually hear. We propose 10 ideas so that gifts for new mothers and fathers are truly useful, and do not rely on the surprise factor.

Written by:

Diana Oliver

Journalist specialized in healthy life, maternity and childhood and pets

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Updated: April 12, 2021

Guía de 10 regalos útiles para padres recientes

Today we live motherhood and fatherhood much more alone than our own parents experienced it. Or our grandparents. And what about the previous generations? Urban environments, job displacement and, above all, current hyper-individualistic uses and customs have displaced family and social networks, leaving many families without support in the first moments of parenting. Without that tribe that the philosopher Carolina del Olmo spoke of in Where is my tribe?, that book already a standard for an entire generation. There are also many doubts that arise in families regarding what they will need when the baby arrives. What things will be really useful and what can be done without.


In this sense, having references around us helps, but also stopping to analyze our own desires and expectations. From the other side, from those of us who give away, asking new parents what they need before buying a gift that they may not get to use, helping out with logistics or helping financially with the first vaccinations are perhaps some of the more practical ideas.

Below we collect a small guide of ten ideas or simple gifts for new mothers and fathers that, for sure, they will appreciate:

Created: June 16, 2020

baby trousseau

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