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Nico and Mateo, seven-month-old twins abandoned at the General Hospital

By hollisterclothingoutlet 14/02/2023 583 Views

Mateo is a 7-month-old baby who wakes up every morning smiling and is flirtatious with the nurses and doctors who take care of him and his twin brother, Nico, at the General Hospital of Mexico, doctor Eduardo Liceaga.

For a few minutes, Mateo is Nico's older brother, who had many problems when he was born prematurely: hydrocephalus, initial deafness, a condition that doctors are still analyzing if it is definitive, and retinal detachment that left him blind. They were born there and have never left the hospital.

According to sources consulted by MILENIO, Nico and Mateo were born of a twin pregnancy, the product of surrogacy, a couple residing in the United States, contracted to the Mexican company, FERTICARE, to gestate their children, but something went wrong and the babies were born premature.

Representatives of the FERTICARE company, seeing the complexity of the case, backed down, broke the contract and left the woman and children to their fate, without financial resources and dumped in the hospital.

The Stations of the Cross lasted several weeks. On February 4, 2020 with 6 months and a week of gestation, Nico and Mateo came into the world after the ordeal that the company, FERTICARE, made the pregnant woman go through, the weeks before and the same day of delivery, in which Using deceit, they took her to a private hospital in Lomas Verdes, where she did not receive the expected attention, so they moved from Naucalpan to the Cuauhtémoc City Hall, where the twins were born by means of an emergency caesarean section at the General Hospital of Mexico Eduardo Liceaga.

Nico and Mateo, seven-month-old twins abandoned in General Hospital

Despite the fact that the pregnant woman visited them often, a legal loophole in the surrogacy contract prevented the visits from continuing, for which reason she was sued last June for abandoning the children. It was so that the nurses who care for them were in charge of giving them their names: Mateo, which means "Gift from God" and Nicolás, which means "victory of the people".

Despite being born premature, Mateo recovered quickly, but Nicolás did not have the same luck, he was born with hydrocephalus, the result of various surgeries, his retinas detached, which left him blind, and he still hasn't recovered. Check if he is deaf, because studies are still being done on him. According to sources who requested anonymity, "Nico" reacts to listening to music, his favorite pastime during his days in the hospital.

Despite the complicated situation of the twins, the nurses and doctors, in addition to taking care of them so that they recover, are in charge of cuddling them and looking after them, because according to the people they know, Nico and Mateo " they are very pampered and loved" by the hospital health personnel.

The daily actions for a baby are complicated if they are in the hospital and even more so in the middle of a pandemic, that is why Nico and Mateo only have a nurse who takes care of them exclusively, this as a measure to protect them from contagion of covid-19. The nurse has become fond of them and has expressed her desire to adopt them.

Among the care they have with the babies, the nurses in the nursery area take turns taking and washing the siblings' clothes, as well as collecting money to buy them the necessary clothes.

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