Baby clothes

They deliver trousseau for future mothers of Almirante Brown

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/08/2022 722 Views

At the Ministro Rivadavia Municipal Sports Center, the interim mayor of Almirante Brown, Juan Fabiani, together with the Commune team, led a new delivery of baby trousseaus to another 350 future mothers in the district.

It should be noted that, with a similar delivery that was made last week at the Municipal House of Culture, a total of 550 trousseaus were delivered to as many future mothers this month of December.

The delivery program for these elements is carried out in coordination with the National Council of Social Policies.

The trousseau received by future mothers contain baby care products such as diapers, sanitary napkins, lime oil, cotton, clothing for newborns, thermometer, among other elements necessary for upbringing with basic needs covered.

Groups delivered for future mothers of Almirante Brown

The secretary of Development, Social Welfare and Human Rights, Bárbara Miñán, and the Undersecretary of Health, Mariana Ávila, spoke there.

Both agreed to highlight the articulated work between their respective areas to detect, care for, and take care of the health of the mother and then also of the child who will soon arrive, highlighting in this work the work and constant effort of health promoters and social workers .

Then, Mayor Fabiani emphasized the importance of having “a present State, much more so during this time of pandemic. We are here to accompany and care for them, just as we will do later with the future neighbors of Brown that they carry in their bellies”.

“I congratulate you, on the one hand for your courage; for gestating in the middle of a pandemic, and I wish you congratulations for the boys and girls to come and also for this Christmas and the New Year that is coming”, concluded Juan Fabiani.

Admiral Brownpregnant trousseau

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