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This 28 -year -old man is the founder of two multimillion -dollar companies - he compared the daily routine that keeps him organized

By hollisterclothingoutlet 04/07/2022 733 Views

En febrero de 2021, Daniel Snow estaba harto del frío de Nueva Jersey. Hizo las maletas, agarró a su bulldog francés, Hooli, y —como muchos empresarios y banqueros de Silicon Valley— se dirigió a Miami. Esta es su rutina diaria desde que se mudó.Este hombre de 28 años es fundador de dos empresas multimillonarias —compartió la rutina diaria que lo mantiene organizado Este hombre de 28 años es fundador de dos empresas multimillonarias —compartió la rutina diaria que lo mantiene organizado

From the sunny Florida, Snow, 28, directs its two multimillion -dollar companies.One is the RAPTV media organization and the other is the marketing business The Snow Agency.Snow provided insider documents to confirm his business income.

Snow launched RAPTV in 2016 for the public to read the latest news about their favorite rappers.She is on the way to obtaining 5 million dollars (MDD) in revenue last year;And it has more than 28 million followers on social networks.

In 2019, he launched The Snow Agency with his older brother Jonathan, to help the direct brands to the consumer to be marketed on social networks.He today has more than 100 customers, including the Goatcase and Clothing Accessories brand, The Perfect Scpt.He was on the way to obtaining 8 MDD of income last year.

A year later, he created the Kindred creative study to produce photos, videos and brand advertising content for his clients.Kindred has 20 customers, some are also with The Snow Agency.Snow predicted that he would get more than $ 700,000 of income last year.

In addition, Snow intends to launch a record label this year, organize an event for 3,000 people in SXSW in March, and is creating an intestinal health brand called Klora, which has been building for 14 months.He until now has raised almost $ 500,000 to finance Klora, especially through friends and family, Snow said.

These business projects were not always their passion.Snow began to devote himself to marketing while studying biology at the College Ramapo in New Jersey.There she saw the opportunity to launch two advertising companies that would help Emerging Instagram and Twitter stars monetize their contents."Those companies, called Snow Media and Caffeine Digital, helped to lay the foundations of what she is today," she said.

"What inspired me was a casual conversation with a friend during my second year of university," said Snow."As almost everything moves online in the present and the future, digital marketing gives brands the opportunity to connect with their clients and prospects through the digital landscape."

Snow gave Insider an exclusive vision of how the daily management of his three businesses is;From cycling sessions at 5:30 in the morning, to consecutive calls with clients and team members.

Your day begins at 5:30 in the morning

After getting up, Snow Check on Twitter if something remarkable during the night.

Este hombre de 28 años es fundador de dos empresas multimillonarias —compartió la rutina diaria que lo mantiene organizado

After 10 minutes of navigation, put the training clothes, brush your teeth and eat a oatmeal and a cup of coffee before starting a 56 -kilometer trip by bicycle.

It begins to pedal to Key Biscayne, an island off the coast of Miami.There she meets his coach and exercises until 8:15 in the morning.Then she returns to his apartment and prepares for the working day.

The workday begins at 9 in the morning

At 9:00, it opens its laptop and joins a meeting with your team in The Snow Agency.

As general director, he directs separate meetings with the 12 department leaders.He makes sure to talk to each of them every two weeks so that both remain up to date.

At each meeting, the department head of the initiatives in which they are working and the progress made since the last meeting.The Snow Agency grew to reach 92 employees in less than two years, so transparency in the workplace is an imperative, Snow said.

"This gives our employees a good idea where we are currently as an organization and where we are going," he added.«It also gives us the opportunity to perfect our guiding principles during meetings and highlight team members who have frequently gone."

SNOW reserves an hour and a half for administrative tasks

From 9:30 at 11:00 a.m., Snow does not receive any call or admits interruptions.

"This allows me to have the necessary time to in depth the materials of the different department leaders who require my final approval or the realization of modifications," he said.

That day he reviewed the updated training material for the new marketing contracted of the company.Add notes to the presentation on how to better transmit key issues and market studies.

It also reviews documents for RAPTV and creates company ads that you then publish on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Next, check your Slack to ensure that operations develop without problems and update with the company's customers.

After 11 am, he joins another meeting.That day she spoke with the CAPTV team to prepare the business plans of a new Snapchat program, "Today in rap", which was launched in September and has 170 million viewers.Since then, Raptv has launched four Snapchat programs, as "Hip Hop Gone Wild" and "On The Street with Raptv."

Lunch is at 12:30

The businessman gives 30 minutes to eat.He carries a very low diet in carbohydrates and high protein."I have discovered that my body does not react well to simple carbohydrates and brakes me a lot if you communicate the workday," he says.That day he ate shrimp and broccoli.

Their meals prepares and delivers a company called Factor75.It also uses the Fit Food Fresh meal cast company.The use of these services prevents it from eating excessively, he says.

Often lunch on his balcony, which has a view to the bay."It reassures me a lot during the busy working day," she says."I try to relax during lunch and not enter my phone at all."

Then he returns to meetings, which are part of their effort to speak regularly with their direct subordinates.

This day he met with Luis Negrón, in charge of the marketing of The Snow Agency on Facebook.They talk about the metrics, the performance of the internal equipment and the success stories of the customers.They analyze what has worked and what not.

"We also review any customer who has problems during these weekly calls," said Snow."It is extremely important to understand why these brands are fighting and if there is any recurring pattern that we can identify with these clients that allows us to solve the problems in question."

Then remove time to focus on customers

From 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., SNOW deepens customer accounts to analyze other areas of growth and opportunities.Then she joins a sales call with a possible customer who invoices more than 500 million pesos in retail sales;although she cannot reveal the name of the client.

"They practically have no internet presence and recently, during the pandemic they realized that the expansion of their business is an absolute necessity," he says about the client.The fees of your company for this work are from $ 6.00 per month.

Snow's team prepared a six -month proposal to help the company quickly.He recommended that the company hired Kindred to design an aesthetically pleasant and optimized website for sales.This to later focus on expanding its organic content, as well as its marketing channels by email and text.

Once the content is created sufficient, the team would help the client to launch advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Google."This package we propose will cost the customer $ 25,000 per month for basic services fees and will allow your business to generate millions of dollars in revenues through online sales," Snow said.The company ended up hiring.

Snow dedicates an hour to strategy calls

From 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. participates in a call with Sascha Stone, founder of the live event company Scoremor.This organizes more than 250 concerts per year, to find out how to expand FAPTV to face -to -face events.

Then, receive a one -hour call with the founder of the Fenix Commerce software company, Akhilesh Srivastava, to receive updated information about the company.Snow and his brother are also advisors and investors from Fenix.

"Due to the interrelation of our companies, we are discussing detailed strategies on how to grow FENIX, updates on key hiring in your business and other areas of opportunity in which we can help your business grow," said Snow.

Then, he joins another call, with Luca Torormina, sales manager of The Snow Agency.In it discuss internal growth, the new training program, customer growth and sales prospects.

At 7:00 p.m. he has a business dinner

In a business dinner in Papi Steak, Snow and its partners discuss the businesses of others and how they can collaborate.Also investment opportunities in the stock market, real estate and the possibility of acquiring new businesses.

When it is not in business dinners - which goes to twice a week - is in industry events, Happy Hours or at home, preparing to sleep.

Snow goes home and lies at 10:00 p.m.

After dinner, Snow returns home and performs his nightlife routine of skin care.She consists of using a cleaner, an exfoliant, a serum and a moisturizer.

If you have not fulfilled your daily goal to drink at least half a liter of water before bedtime, drink some water.

Finally, it relaxes reading at least 10 pages of a non -fiction book.He is reading "Thinking, Fast and Slow", by Daniel Kahneman, and plans to read later "Genghis Khan and The Making of the Modern World", by Jack Weatherford.

The next day it will wake up and do the same.

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