Baby clothes

Tips for choosing the baby blanket or comments

By hollisterclothingoutlet 10/08/2022 817 Views

During the first year of life, the baby spends part of the time in the crib, the stroller or the walk chair.To be comfortable and warm, you need a good baby, light and soft touch blanket.

The crib blanket is a very important object in the baby's trousseau.But, in addition to the blanket for the crib, it is also convenient.Baby blankets are used so much that even many babies develop a special attachment for their blanket and turn to it as the object of comfort.

In the market we can find different types of baby blankets (cotton, wool, crochet point, toquillas, etc..) With very different sizes that adapt to the use that will be given (cradle, stroller, walking chair, wrapping the baby, small blankets ...).Proof of this is that in the online baby stores you have a number of models.Let's see what should be taken into account when choosing the baby's blanket and the characteristics of each type of baby blanket.

What to keep in mind when choosing the baby's blanketTypes of baby blankets

These are the main types of natural fiber blankets:

1.Cotton baby blankets

Consejos para elegir la manta del bebe 0 comentarios

Cotton is a light and soft natural fiber, ideal for warm environments.In addition, it transpires very well, it is respectful of the baby's skin and is very soft.It can be washed in the washing machine without problem and there is a great variety to choose from.

two.Wool baby blankets

Wool has a great calorific value and, like cotton, it is a natural tissue that perspires well and helps maintain body temperature and regulate sweating.

Now, not all wool are equal.Some types of wool cannot be put in the washing machine and you have to wash them by hand.It is important to look good at the washing instructions before acquiring the product.

3.Baby blanket crochet

Crochet or crochet woven blankets are made with cotton or wool, so they have all the advantages of the above.In addition, when they are pointing they are lighter.They are very elegant and are very practical to go for a walk with the baby.

4.Baby toquillas

The toquilla is a finer cotton point blanket or wool.It is used especially when the baby is tiny, to wrap him and take him in his arms.Being finer, they can be used throughout the year.

Baby toquillas are very useful to wrap the baby folding the ends and forming a little bag (as if it were a little worm).Babies reassures them that we wrapped them in the blanket because the big spaces cause insecurity.

De un tiempo a esta parte, se han puesto de moda otros tipos de tela para envolver al bebé con esta técnica, como los arrullos, que son mantitas fabricadas en algodón muy suave con la cara interior de rizo o micro rizo(tipo toalla) y las muselinas, que se parecen a las gasas que se usaban hace años pero con bonitos diseños y colores, que son de hilo de algodón por lo que resultan muyfresquitas y por lo tanto ideales para arrullar al bebé en los meses de calor.


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