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What is the great electrical blackout: origin, government plan, how it would affect Spain and survival kit

By hollisterclothingoutlet 26/11/2022 687 Views
  1. elEconomista.es

The coronavirus, Filomena, the eruption of La Palma... and now a blackout that would leave a large part of the world without electricity for several days. The world seems stubborn in colliding with an apocalypse, for which the government authorities do not stop looking for plans in order to be the best prepared if this happens. But given this last theory, it is convenient to analyze it precisely to know what real probability would be of chaos.

The constant rise in the price of electricity in recent months has been one more trigger to think that the world, with its epicenter in Europe, is close to exceeding its energy limits. With a major blackout as the final trigger, Austria has been the country that has put the rest of the States on alert which in recent days are already working on plans in case this 'blackout' (blackout in English) occurred.

Origin of the theory of the great electrical blackout

And it is because the Austrian government has been so clear in its theory on the electrical apocalypse that it has given rise to a clear materialization. With a communication campaign to warn the entire population, informative posters and announcements have flooded the streets of Vienna and its surroundings in recent days.

"The question is not if there will be a big blackout, but when," said the Austrian Defense Minister after presenting a guide that has been cooking since 2019 in the country's high institutions. With much interest in the Army, this body was the first to recommend filling houses with food and tools in case the apocalypse came.

To support its fear, Austria has explained that it is a country highly dependent on hydraulic energy (around 50%, with higher peaks in times of drought). In addition, with a gas import of more than 20%, climate change, the closure of nuclear power plants, the increasing demand for electricity and a cyberattack would be the perfect combo to trigger this failure in the supply.

How do countries protect themselves against these blackouts?

Switzerland has been one of the countries that in recent months has suffered a sabotage attempt on its high voltage line. To defend against these blackouts, all countries have reserve and surplus energy systems that cover these problems... always on a logical scale.

What is the big blackout: origin , Government plan, how it would affect Spain and survival kit

For its part, the electrical network itself has mechanisms that isolate potential failures and redirect electricity in a few hours (Spain witnessed this this summer after a failure in the connection with France). However, these plans studied by Austria would serve to cover a catastrophic situation and ensure energy in emergency places such as hospitals or fire stations.

Germany or China have already reported the blackout

The Austrian plan is so clear that its German neighbors have already taken it into account, since several power stations there will be closed in the next coming years. The Civil Protection department offers guidelines to follow at home in the face of a global blackout, with the memory of 15 years ago when the snow left part of the country without electricity for six days.

China, for its part, has made a similar appeal to its citizens, recommending that they have a supply of food and tools at home in the event of another critical situation such as the coronavirus. As regards the blackout, the Ministry of Commerce considers that it could come about due to cuts in supplies due to the increase in the prices of essential products.

And in Spain, what's the plan for the big blackout?

Not so alarmist has turned out to be the Spanish government. Through Vice President Teresa Ribera, the Executive considers that the electricity supply is guaranteed since Spain works "almost like an island". With an electricity generation that doubles the demand, the interconnections with other European countries are practically non-existent, which in this case would serve as a defense.

What do the experts say about the big blackout?

However, there are expert voices that call for extreme caution because a failure is "inevitable". This is the opinion of Fernando Vadallares, a CSIC researcher, or the economist Daniel Lacalle recommending following in the footsteps of Austria or Germany and seeing in their advertisements "a practical way of facing a harsh reality".

This is how you can heat yourself without electricity

In view of all this, if the big blackout arrives in winter, it would be key to know how to heat yourself without electricity consumption. either with stoves, demand has skyrocketed in recent days, or with a supply of wood and firewood, for smaller homes a candle and a pot can serve as shows the video released by the German government.

In addition, the running water would also be affected as there is not enough pressure to rise through the pipes, so it is recommended to fill bathtubs and containers in the event of a serious proximity to the blackout.

This would be the necessary kit in the face of the great blackout and survival food

For its part, in recent days different kits have been slipped that would serve as survival for a few days until the electricity supply goes out. repair. Among the various proposals, almost all coincide with having the following products at home:

- Flashlight.

- Water (two liters per person for five days).

- Radio with batteries.

- Candles and matches.

- Medications and other necessary items for babies, the elderly, and disabled people.

- Non-perishable food for two weeks (canned food, oil, honey, rice, pickles or chocolate).

- Warm clothing or thermal blankets.

- Cash.

- Fuel.

Europe was on the brink of a major blackout on January 8



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