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Do you want to adopt a pet?In these shelters you can save an abandoned animal

By hollisterclothingoutlet 22/06/2022 789 Views

The case of the Zorrito Run Run, who was sold as a Siberian dog in the center of Lima, showed, once again, the illegal sale of animals in the country.Although this commercialization is prohibited and fined, hundreds of people continue to stick to it and do so, in the same way, with puppies and kittens.

Therefore, in this note we will present five lime shelters that are independent and have hundreds of animals that expect to find a safe home and a family.Next, all the details and ways in which you can support from home.

Host my four -legged friend

Han pasado 10 años desde que el albergue Mi amigo de cuatro patas nació. Durante los primeros meses, Yuriko Litan Ordayasolo albergó a 10 gatos y 17 perros, pero ahora el número ha incrementado a 30 y 80, respectivamente. Por ello, dice que ya no puede recibir a más animales si es que no adoptan a los que ya tiene.

“Many cases come to me, but I am not assuming them.It's sad because you feel that you can't do anymore, ”he tells the Republic.

The rescuer, who is a veterinary profession, emphasizes that all her puppies and kittens are sterilized in order to avoid overpopulation of animals and abandon them.

Are there other ways to help?

A las personas que se les complique adoptar, pueden apoyar de otras maneras, por ejemplo, apadrinar a cualquier mascota desde 10 soles mensuales. Asimismo, hacer voluntariado en el albergue de lunes a viernes o los sábados y domingos. Esto consiste en sacar a pasear a los animales, alimentarlos, lavarles sus platos, entre otras actividades. Actualmente se encuentran en Lurín, cerca a la playa Los Pulpos.

Yuriko Litan Ordayasolo recalls that all interested parties must fill out an adoption file with their personal data, such as full name, ID number, address, among others.Thus, people undertake to take care of the animal and provide constant information about this.

Why is it important to adopt?

¿Quieres adoptar a una mascota? En estos albergues puedes salvar a un animalito abandonado

Para la rescatista, esta noble acción, por más pequeña que parezca, puede cambiarle la vida a un animal que no conocía lo que era un hogar. “Así se les da una segunda oportunidad”, señala.

Finally, the woman asks that they adopt pets that take care of adults, who are the ones who have to get a family.As she detailed, the biggest dogs is 13 years old.

Official Kennedy cats

For more than 25 years, the residents of Miraflores have formed the voluntary feline defense group (GVDF) to sterilize, vaccinate, deworm and feed the kittens living in Kennedy Park.

Rita Olivares, public relations and member of the non -profit association, comments that felines are fed every day with balanced food and, in the case of the elderly, with soft food.

They can also be adopted, but prior group evaluation.People who wish to do so should approach the module who is installed at the head of the D’Onofrio ice cream shop at 4.00 p.m.at 8.00 p.m.They can also leave food from Tuesday to Sunday.

Sanmarquino refuge

Very few know it, but, in addition to Olga, who was known as Dogovaca, there are also other dogs and cats that live at the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM).Before the massive abandonment of animals, a group of students from the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences joined to ensure and guarantee the care of these pets.

Since then, they publish on their social networks the adoptions available, as well as the activities they carry out in order to cover the food of the animals and the medical care of those that arrive in critical condition.

Sulpayki Pachamama Foundation

50 dogs and dozens of kittens are waiting for a new home.The Sulpayki Pachamama Foundation has been operating for 10 years and during all this time it has housed street animals.Currently, in addition to feeding the pets of their shelter, they also do it with those in the surroundings.

Ana Valeria Alegria cumple esta ardua labor con mucho amor, pero para que pueda continuar apoyando a más canes y felinos, necesita el apoyo de todos en la rifa que realizará este sábado 13 de noviembre, la cual tiene como objetivo comprar más alimento y cubrir tres operaciones.

“I have to pay the rental of land, apart from covering the daily food, which is between 80 to 100 soles.What we need urgently is food, ”asked the young woman, who is part of her salary to finance her project.

What other shelters can it be adopted?

Al rescate de los gatos de la plaza Bolognesi y el Albergue Can Martín también son asociaciones que se dedican a rescatar animalitos, curarlos y luego ponerlos en adopción. En el segundo de ellos, actualmente, hay 180 perritos y 30 gatitos entre bebés, adultos, cachorros, ancianos, razas puras y mestizas.

People who have difficulty adopting can become godparents of any of the animals or donate utensils for the shelter, such as bleach, detergent, brooms, buckets, furniture or used mattresses, clothing, sheets, blankets, plates, pots, among others.For pets it can be balanced food, vaccines, beds, antipulgas and more.Pass the voice!

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