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How often do you have to shower to be clean and healthy?Experts respond to the eternal controversy

By hollisterclothingoutlet 17/07/2022 692 Views

Actors Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have caused controversy this week by revealing that they only bathe their children, 6 and 4 years old, when they are visibly dirty and not always with soap.The actors also recognize that they themselves only wash the armpits and intimate areas daily.

Everything happened in an interview for the Armchair Expert podcast in which it was discussed on the frequency of cleaning to balance hygiene with skin health:

The presenter of the program, Dax Shepard, said he agreed with the actors and recommended to his co -presenter Monica Padman that “it did not get rid of the natural oil of the skin with a soap pill every day, and that it was washed better only with water”

She contradicted her.“I can't believe I am in the minority here to wash my whole body in my shower.Who taught you not to wash you? "She asked Mila Kunis, who replied:" I didn't have hot water when I was a child, so I didn't bathe much anyway. ""But when I had children, I didn't wash them every day," the black swan actress or bad mothers continued."I was never that kind of mother who bathes her newborns."And her couple and father of her children, Ashton Kutcher, corroborated it but clarified: “This is the thing: if you can see the dirt in them, you have to bathe them.Otherwise, it makes no sense, ”said the films actor such as the butterfly or newly married effect.

Ashton Kutcher y Mila Kunisniusdiario.es

As for their own personal hygiene habits, the stars were also controversial when he said that he avoids the use of soap throughout the body every day."I wash only the armpits and the crotch daily, and nothing more," Kutcher said.

Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and other celebrities who avoid daily shower

Kuther and Kunis are not the only celebrities who have publicly expressed that they are not shower daily.Brad Pitt does not usually wash his clothes in the filming and prefers to change his shirt rather than a shower, according to a report made by Swedish journalist Mikael Jagerbrand after interviewing a series of film professionals."I have six children. All you have to do is take a pair of wet wipes and clean the armpits," said the actor once in Hollywood to People magazine.

Leonardo DiCaprio y Brad PittGetty Images

¿Cada cuánto hay que ducharse para estar limpio y sano? Los expertos responden a la eterna polémica

Leonardo DiCaprio also reduces his showers, where appropriate to save the planet, his ex -girlfriend, model Erin Heatherton, told."He only shower twice a week so as not to spend water and considers that deodorants are unnatural."The phobia of antitranspirants or deodorants is something he shares with other celebrities such as Julia Roberts or Cameron Díaz."It has never been mine," said Pretty Woman actress, who believes that chemicals in the deodorant are not good for the body or the environment.

Healthier or cleanest, the eternal debate

The statements of Mila Kunis (37 years old) and Ashton Kutcher (43) about the hygiene routine with their children, Wyatt Isabelle and Dimitri Portwood, have reopened a recurring debate: how often do we have to shower or wash our children and ussame?

Healthy or guarros? Could be the summary of this recurring controversy.For some, not washing daily is stupidity, exposure to diseases and a lack of education for the people with whom you live.For others, doing so frequently is unnecessary and dangerous for the epidermis, leaving your skin with less defenses and being able to give rise to skin problems.

The response of dermatologists

What do dermatologists think?Almost all agree that the ideal, if it is about protecting the skin, would be to shower as little as possible.That is, if possible, not do it daily.But they are also aware that in the society in which we live it is unfeasible to do that and survive coexistence and social conventions.In the end it is about putting health-socialness on the balance.In the medium term is virtue.No one has died to shower, obviously, but it should not be ignored that less under chemical skin is healthier."Bathing five times a day is not necessary, but it is not good to leave hygiene aside," is the majority opinion of dermatologists.

Mujer lavando sus brazosPexels

How often should children shower?

The American Academy Association of Dermatology indicates on its website that it is possible that children from 6 to 11 years "do not need a daily bath", and recommend that at least bathe once or twice a week.

Niño en el bañoPexels

Natalia Seguí, a member of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), and dermatologist of the Dermavalles Clinic in Barcelona, responded in an interview in this regard that the recommendation for the general population (without skin problems) is to shower once a day."In the case of hot weather, go to the gym or perform an intense physical activity, you can make a second shower, but using soap only in areas that have bad smell or excessive sweating" such as armpits or intimate parts, Apostille followed.

How much should the shower or bath last?

It is also recommended that the duration of the shower be as lower and prevent water at a very high temperature.

What type of soap do you have to use?

Regarding the type of soap, "the important thing to respect the skin is to use a neutral and without perfume."Many dermatologists also recommend some with 100% natural glycerin, especially for intimate areas.The problem is that these soaps do not usually smell well, something that for many people is synonymous erroneously, it is not good or effective."They do not consider that they are clean if they do not smell like perfume," I said about the general trend by supermarket gels, attracted by their different fragrances, without being aware that they often destroy the hydrolypy mantle of the skin, a layer that meetsA natural protection function thanks to benign bacteria that fight infections.Sometimes, obsessed with killing germs, we open the door to different bacteria, viruses, fungi and other harmful microorganisms.

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"Dermatologists recommend using an emulsion without soap or a shower oil, which is what I like personally," details the AEDV spokeswoman.“They are manufactured without preservatives, without parabens and without allergenic substances.These soaps can be used in all skin types, but are more necessary in dry or atopic skin, since they protect the skin and increase the hydration level, respecting the skin balance. ”

How to dry?

Regarding the towel, the general recommendation is to dry in air.But for the most impatient, it is advisable to rub it as soft as possible.Also the towel material, as soft as possible, is fundamental.


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