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Confirm finding of the lost child's clothing and the PDI does not rule out the intervention of third parties in the disappearance - the counter

By hollisterclothingoutlet 17/08/2022 648 Views

A cuatro días de la desaparición del niño Tomás B, menor de 3 años en Arauco, región del Biobio, la policía maneja tres hipótesis para explicar el extravío del menor. Asi lo expresó el prefecto de la PDI, Carlos Sanhueza.Confirman hallazgo de ropa del niño extraviado y la PDI no descarta la intervención de terceros en la desaparición - El Mostrador Confirman hallazgo de ropa del niño extraviado y la PDI no descarta la intervención de terceros en la desaparición - El Mostrador

It could have been an accidental fact, there may have been the disappearance of the child, or, above all things, there had been the intervention of third parties, "said the police according to Emol Emol.

Confirman hallazgo de ropa del niño extraviado y la PDI no descarta la intervención de terceros en la desaparición - El Mostrador

The search radius was delimited eight kilometers from the area where the child disappeared when he accompanied his uncle to look for some animals, according to the version that is handled so far.

Prosecutor Carolina Molina confirmed that on the search radi."They do not correspond to the clothes that the child used the day that disappeared and that works in the complaint for alleged misfortune that the Public Ministry investigates.This was corroborated by relatives "


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