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Thus we have told you how the second lava cast has stayed 150 meters from the sea

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/07/2022 748 Views

La erupción del volcán de Cumbre Vieja, en la isla canaria de La Palma, que dura ya 19 días, se ha estabilizado y mantiene comportamientos constantes, aunque sigue emitiendo una gran cantidad de magma. El cambio del régimen de vientos ha provocado un empeoramiento de la calidad del aire en el entorno del volcán de la Cumbre Vieja y el aeropuerto de La Palma sigue inoperativo por la acumulación de cenizas. Así te hemos contado como la segunda colada de lava se ha quedado a 150 metros del mar Así te hemos contado como la segunda colada de lava se ha quedado a 150 metros del mar

Lava castings, which already affect more than 430 hectares and have formed a 38 hectare lava fajana in tazacorte cliffs also flow through a wash tube that facilitates the evacuation of magma.Scientists maintain the castings that have forbidden some crops and real estate on their way to the sea.

The volcanic monitoring surveillance network of the National Geographic Institute (IGN) continues.000 people are still evicted from the area affected by the volcano.

Así te hemos contado como la segunda colada de lava se ha quedado a 150 metros del mar

Meanwhile, the different administrations are coordinated for the reconstruction of the island, after having approved the Council of Ministers the second package of aid of more than 213 million euros.Two laptops are already found on the island of La Palma and, according to the Canarian government they will be installed in Puerto Naos within two weeks, guaranteeing an irrigation flow to crops of more than 5.000 cubic meters daily.The arrival of a tank ship with 30 is also expected.000 cubic meters of water.Thus we have told you the minute by the eruption of the volcano this Friday:

Félix Donate

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