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Tips for training in the arena – Nexofin

By hollisterclothingoutlet 29/03/2023 1328 Views

One of the great benefits of training on the beach is the disconnection and its motivating environment. Some of the things that the arena allows are: It also allows:

• Perform more intense work, improving performance.

• Strengthen ankles thanks to greater stimulation.

• Increase aerobic capacity due to the greater intensity of the exercise and the conditions in which it takes place.

• Burn more fat by increasing heart rate triggered by high intensity exercise.

But the balance is not so positive for those who, before trying the sand, do not carry out comprehensive preparation work and only dedicate themselves to running, especially on regular surfaces such as pavement and tracks. Even if they have a good level, they can suffer injuries when exercising on this new surface as their ankles are not strengthened as required.

Specifically, sand training is not recommended for those who have joint or tendon injuries since the level of demand is greater due to the irregularity and instability of the terrain.

You also have to be careful if you run barefoot on this surface as there may be objects that could cause an injury or cut. For this reason, the sectors where the training will be carried out must be chosen carefully, especially when the power sessions are carried out, since the damage can be greater.

Tips for training in the arena – Nexofin

Running on soft sand is not the same as on compact sand. Hence, depending on the degree of compaction, slope and humidity, the methodology and objectives will change. This type of terrain can help us to improve running technique and to strengthen ourselves muscularly, working on power and recruiting more muscle fibers.

For example, hard sand is useful for training:

• Running technique exercises

• Speed ​​exercises

• Multi-jump series

• Eccentric exercises

And in the soft sand you can perform:

• Proprioceptive exercises (strengthening of feet and ankles)

• Power exercises

• Anaerobic exercises

• Zig-zag training to strengthen lateral muscles

Water exercises

It is recommended to add to the exercise routine jogging sessions with water up to the ankles. This is a training that will help, by forcing us to raise our knees, to improve running technique and posture. In this process, the muscles in charge of flexing the hip (iliopsoas) and generating the stride are strengthened, its constant repetition being essential to improve performance.

Proprioceptive exercises should always be included in the routine and, if the idea is to run on sand, even more so, since it is an unstable surface where we require a better motor response and flexibility. And not only at the muscular level but also at the tendon level, due to the stimulation of the nervous system, which is linked to the control of balance and the relationship of space with the environment.

Finally, the following tips will allow you to get the most out of sand training:

• Hydrate well before, during and after exercise.

• Do a good preliminary work on joint mobility.

• Start from least to most in the difficulty of the exercises.

• I started the session with proprioceptive exercises to adapt to the unstable environment.

• Regulate your running speed well so you don't exhaust yourself before your time.

• In case of power or anaerobic training, respect well the rest times between series.

• Train at times with less solar radiation.

• Always apply sunscreen.

• Carry out a maximum of three weekly sessions.

• Intersperse the work in the sand with sessions on different surfaces and with other sports.

Source: Run for life

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