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What things you should take to the nursery

By hollisterclothingoutlet 19/12/2022 665 Views
  1. Inicio
  2. Bebés y niños
  3. Ajuar del bebé
Los padres suelen vivir los primeros días de la escuela infantil con una mochila de incertidumbres. Para despejar dudas, os explicamos qué cosas tendréis que llevar y cómo os debéis preparar a nivel material para esta nueva etapa.

Written by:

Diana Oliver

Journalist specialized in healthy life, maternity and childhood and pets

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Updated: September 15, 2020

Qué cosas debéis llevar a la guardería

From the first months of the baby to three years, the decision to opt for a children's school overflows the minds of most families.Personal preferences influence, but so do economic and labor conditions, as well as the absence of social policies that support.Once assumed as an option, the question will be where and when.Depending on the moment and the chosen children's center, it will be necessary.

We analyze below what teachers can ask us, what our children may need and what can we request from the center:

Created: September 18, 2019

Etiquetas:BebésMaternidadJuegosAjuar del bebé

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