Feminine fashion

Emma Watson, 30 years old, withdrawal and a life of activism

By hollisterclothingoutlet 22/03/2023 604 Views

In recent years, Mujercitas, written by Louisa May Alcott, has become one of the most revised works in literature not only feminine, but also feminist.His six protagonists - Aunt March, the mother, the four sisters - have active, determined papers and with an unusual physical and mental activity for an 1868 novel.Hence, in the 21st century a cinema version, revised by the director Greta Gerwig and with some of the best actresses of her generations, was a candy.No one doubted from the first moment that the famous feminist and activist Emma Watson (Paris, 1990) was to be present in the adaptation.Many opted for the role of the free writer Jo for her, but in the end she put on the skin of the greatest of the sisters, Meg.I came as a ring to the finger.What few suspected then, two years ago, is that this would be, at least for a season, his last role in the world of interpretation.

A few hours ago the head that Emma Watson retired.More slowly read the verb "temporarily".Although according to who published it, The Daily Mail, it was his agent who had said that he would be "inactive" for a season, a few hours later another person from his management team explained to Entertainment Weekly that it was not so.The British tabloid did not give much more explanation, but affirmed that his agent said that his career was "in pause" and that "right now he will not get involved in new projects";Instead, Jason Weinberg, one of those responsible for the agency that represents it, told the specialized environment that "Emma's social networks are the ones in pause, but her career is not".The truth is that the actress's last project was released in December 2019 and that for the moment she has not scheduled new commitments.

Other less official sources have affirmed that their intention is to focus on their personal life.“Emma has decided to move on to clandestinity, he is settling with Leo.Both prefer to stay hidden.He probably wants to form a family, ”they told Daily Mail sources allegedly aware of the couple.That "Leo" to which they refer is the actress's couple for a year and a half, the Californian businessman Leo Robleon, also 30 years old, who runs a company dedicated to the legal sale of cannabis products derived from products.

Emma Watson, 30 años, amagos de retirada y una vida de activismo

Those who criticize everything on social networks do not take to highlight that the feminist par excellence is retired by a man, but that is not quite true, nor is it even confirmed.Watson has always had an intermittent relationship with cinema.Although he has not stopped dedicating himself to him - to the exception of a couple of years, between 2008 and 2010, when he focused on his university studies - he preferred to make few films a year, between one and two, to be able to devote himself to other tasksfocused on activism that required their attention and where their voice has been widely heard.

Más informaciónLos protagonistas de ‘Harry Potter’ se han hecho mayoresDe estrella infantil a implacable activista, los 30 años de Emma Watson

To begin with, Watson has a degree in English literature at the prestigious American University of Brown, so he could devote himself to teaching or, given the fortune close to the 100 million euros he accumulates, simply to read.But in addition, since last June who will always be Hermione in the Harry Potter saga is also part of the Board of Directors of the Kering conglomerate, one of the world's main fashion groups and under which brands such as Balenciaga, Saint are grouped togetherLaurent, Bottega Veneta or Gucci.Watson presides over the group's sustainability committee.

Sustainability is one of the battle horses of the interpreter for several years and, as in all its causes, it is involved to the background and uses its image to stir consciences.Almost six years ago, in 2015, he promised to use only ecological and ethical production garments and whose traceability was sustainable, something that he meets thanks to his stylist, Sarah Slutsky, and that made especially visible during the promotion tour of the beautiful andThe beast, in 2017.Then he created an Instagram account where he was showing and explaining the garments he used, all of them sustainable.

Feminism is the other great activist struggle of Watson, who has headed marches, has made public communications and has positioned himself - in a way not everyone has always considered correct - in matters in favor of women.His already famous speech at the UN Assembly in New York in September 2014, where she is the ABU Ambassador of the UN Women, made her one of the most recognizable feminist icons on the planet.In 2018 he donated more than one million euros to Justice and Equality Fund (Fund for Justice and Equality) to support victims of sexual harass.By gestures, not missing: even a feminist symbol was tattooed, the time’s up.

Maybe to meet her since a child and be aware of her effects, fame for fame has never interested her.Only for what can be achieved with her.As said blunt when she was criticized by a photo shoot, in that case because she posed without a shirt, "feminism treats women the ability to choose".“Feminism is not a stick with which to hit women.It is about freedom, equity, ”he said before the BBC.And that freedom is the one that has allowed him to choose another path now: that of power, if he finally decides, say goodbye.Or at least see you soon.

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