Feminine fashion

María Esther Fuerte: «Recycle fabrics and scarves to make unique dresses»

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Open the doors of your creative space to the public tomorrow, in its native merza

11 sep 2021 . Actualizado a las 05:00 h.WhatsappMailFacebookTwitterComentar ·

Of tourist guide in Holland to design dresses in his native village of Merza (Vila de Cruces), with time in the middle to get his own mark, show his creations through the network and enjoy the rural one who is passionate and inspires him.This is part of the life story of María Esther Fuerte Vázquez, a cross -stoning that first emigrated to France before settling in Holland and having returned, for now, to Merza to give free rein to a creativity from which he enjoys and from whichspeak with great enthusiasm.A jovial, close and smiling woman who speaks with passion of her work.

-Of designer tourist guide, very different trades.

-It's true, and more if one takes into account that I sewed.I had the basic notions of anyone: sew a button or put a zipper (laugh).

-Then, how does it embark on this project?

-My parents emigrated to France in the 60s and I did the same.Later I lived in Holland for several years, and professionally exercised as a tourist guide.I am currently between two worlds;Since last year due to the pandemic we think, my partner and I, that we could spend more time here in Merza, which is my parish.In Holland there are no longer so many tourists for the health situation and the truth is that I already dedicated many years to tourism...

-And starts making.

-Well I had to prepare first (laughs).I was not much sewing as I told you, I knew the basics, and then I signed up to several courses to learn everything I needed.That's when I discovered that I loved it and my passion began for what I am currently doing.It is absolutely wonderful!I started a new adventure that I don't know where it will take me.

-The moment to make female garments, right?

María Esther Fuerte: «Reciclo tejidos y pañuelos para confeccionar unos vestidos únicos»

-Certain.I make a lot of dress.Recycle fabrics and scarves to make some dresses that I consider unique.I am to look for all kinds of fabrics, some old and wonderful, to which I give a second life;a second use.I started by manufacturing simple dresses with different funds based on large scarves;Some of my property and others that my friends sent me, in all the cases we no longer used and that they regained life.The final result are dresses with very different, colorful and beautiful prints.EMPLOYMENT NEW fabrics for my creations but also many that I find at home...Even with a precious sheet I sewed a dress for a friend (laughs).It was extraordinary!But what I do are dresses most, and on some timely occasion some robe they asked me.

-Do male garments have a hole within their creative catalog?

-Well, look at the moment I didn't think about making men's clothes.I think that with the dresses I have enough, at least for the moment, but you never know...

-He has planned to celebrate tomorrow an open day to bring your creative work closer to the public.

-It's so.The visiting day is set for this Sunday, it will be from 17 to 8 pm, here in my creative space in Merza, where I have my workshop mounted.It is a simple act that is designed so that those interested in knowing my work can see it very close, and those who cannot move tomorrow always have the possibility of visualizing it on my Facebook page;And also buy a garment if they like it clear (laughs).

Own brand.21 FEM's is the brand under which it markets its garments.

Recycle.Bet on the reuse of all types of fabrics, to give them a second use.

Desire.It does not rule out to open a physical store to sell your garments in the future.

"The fabrics are the ones that speak to me and transmit what I have to do with them"

María Esther began to make the first dresses with the entrance of the year 2021, and since then she did not stop.A creative work that was born in the rural.

-Here you find peace and tranquility.It is a different way of life, it has nothing to do with the big cities...Merza is an exceptional place for creativity, new ideas arise, I find much more energy and much more stimulated.I guess there is no doubt, but there are many great artists in Merza...We have everything;Incredible musicians, associations, collective, zoqueiros...It is an incredible place to create!

-As creative artist, what motivates his inspiration?

-I can sound weird what I'm going to say but it really is the fabric that speaks to me.The scarves, for example, when I see them tell me what I have to do with them, how I have to apply them to the corresponding dress...Once I have that vision of what I have to do with each fabric is when I look for the right fabric and start sewing.The same goes for a fabric when I have it in my hands, she will guide the final result of the garment.

-He made the world of clothing a little by chance, is your intention to continue in the future?

-Well, look a couple of years sure.Then, as in all projects, an evaluation and dictate will have to continue whether in the same direction...I already dedicated many years to tourism and the future in this will be seen...Garments are being sold, they call me to be interested in what I do and the next steps will already be known.

-A curiosity, why is it called 21 fem's your brand?

-Sencillo (laughs).It is my name upside down.It is not something very searching but it made me excited.

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